Hi everyone
Missed you all but now I’m back. Hope everyone is ok, I’ve not had chance yet to read up on what I have missed.
I’m feeling a lot better these days and as you predicted I would get used to this home oxygen malarkey and now I’m so used to it I forget it’s on sometimes and nearly flipping strangle myself !
Just wanted to let you all know that my breathlessness, although not cured by the oxygen, has eased more than 70%. Last week my husband had a bit of trouble catching up with me. I started to ‘diet’ although I don’t like the word diet and I’ve lost half a stone up to now by just eating smaller portions and reducing my bread and Lurpak intake. Because of dodgy knees and dicky hip it’s nigh impossible to breakdance, however, I decided to put Smooth FM on IPad and oh those 60s and 70s sure enough make me wiggle. Losing inches as well as weight which is fab, so, incentive all round to drop around 2 stone for my son’s (2nd) flipping wedding in September. Jeez I thought you only helped out with boys weddings not have to part with life savings again... Anyway it’s only money, what’s more important is me ridding myself of my ‘bumbag’ sitting around let’s say just below tummy button. Only need a zip on it and I can safely store my phone, debit card and keys 🤣
My overall thinking has shifted too, I feel more positive about going through all these tests etc and just waiting to have Echo on 6th along with LFT and more arterial bloods but, if the outcome is better, then I’m going for it.
Sats are so much better these days and are even maintaining when I’m off the O2 which is good and I’ve not had to use my inhaler for a while.
So, as you can see I’m just a tiny bit positive at the moment, will keep you updated on the next round of tests.
Love to you all and here’s to Spring 🌸🌼🌹🌺🌻🌾🍀 Julie xxxx