I've not been on here lateley as my husband has been very ill for a few weeks. He got a chest infection and deteriorated fast he's now in icu critical. I was told on Friday that he might only last 2 or 3 days but it's now wednesday and there has been a bit of improvement so hoping for the best. At least now they will find all the problems and treat him accordingly so some good may come of it. Please will you all send him positive thoughts and prayers. I am taking care of myself as I need to be able to look after him and I have plenty of support from family and friends. Please don't be offended if I do't reply to you all as time is at a premium. Thankyou
sorry not been around much: I've not... - Lung Conditions C...
sorry not been around much

My thoughts & prayers are with you Kim xx
always in my thought sending hugs
take care
rose xxx
In my thoughts. x x
Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers x
Sending positive thoughts and hugs. xxxxxx
Positive thoughts and prayers on their way to you both. xx
Thinking of you both and positive thoughts sent your way x
I will keep you both in my prayers
Thinking of you both!
Both of you in my thought & prayers xx
With kindest thoughts, best wishes and prayers for your husbands recovery and your own well being TAD xx
I know exactly how you feel, this happened to my husband in August this year, he was rushed in to hospital, there must have been 6 doctors, god knows how many nurses and medical equipment around him, the gunk from his chest was infected and got lodged in his throat and they couldn't do a trachiotomy, it took three hours before he could breathe properly. I was told they were doing all they could and that is all they could say.
He was in Intensive Care for three days and in hospital for three weeks. He has had lots of antibiotics since but is now sat here with me playing Palisades Park by Freddy Cannon on his laptop.
I really hope you have the same outcome as we have had as it is a terrible, terrible experience to go through.
Thank you everyone it really helps,he's having a tracheostemy today so hopefully he will be a little more coherent when i see him. Was in a panic this morning the car was totally dead but the AA have sorted it now so one less thing to worry about. Thankyou once again everyone I will keep you posted. Glad your husband came through and is home with you now sweetthing I'm hoping for the same result.
hoping for better news from you xxx
My thoughts and prayers are with you both xxxx
my thought are with you kim, at this very worrying time , i hope pray your husband improves there are a lot of peoples praying for yourselve and husband,
god bless jan xxxxxxx
My husband is off the sedation now but not fully come round I'm hoping for better when I see him today. The consultant told me yesterday that although he's improved since last Friday he's still not out of the woods yet and has a 50/50 chance of recovering, so I'm trying to see the glass half-full at the moment. Thankyou once again for your wishes and prayers it really does help.