Hello, I’ve been diagnosed with an “infection” the doctor didn’t use the term pleurisy but she did say that my right lung is very noisy through the stethoscope and prescribed antibiotics. My symptoms are horrendous back pain in the lower right middle. The pain wakes me up at night and worsens when breathing deeply or talking. Thought I’d pulled a muscle or broken a rib and feeling generally crap and exhausted. No fever or cough though. Does it sound like pleurisy?
Does this sound like Pleurisy? - Lung Conditions C...
Does this sound like Pleurisy?

Hi Looanne , I can't give you an answer but I was recently told I have fluid on the left lung. Also had antibiotics but they haven't helped. I have a bad pain in the back also, left side just below shoulder blade. The pain also spreads to the side and as you say, can feel like a pulled muscle or even a cracked rib..
Unlike you, I have had a productive cough that only improved a little after the anti Bs..
I assumed the pain was due to coughing and the fluid build up as my peak flow has gone back to normal.
I hope you get better real soon as it's miserable and worrying when things like this crop up.. Stay warm and take care.
Pleurisy is very painful when I had it I had a hot water bottle the whole time and could only manage soup or warm water.
I had an X-ray which confirmed it was pleurisy but a dr should be able to confirm using a stethoscope I think. 2 weeks of a good ab with lots of rest, drinking fluids and sleep sitting up will help.
Doxycycline is a good antibiotic for that sort of infection. If it doesn't improve soon please go back, and remember 2 weeks of abs is what's needed one week is never enough!
Please don't hesitate to go back and ask the GP. He/she can hear pleurisy thought the stethoscope, it's a 'rasping' sound whereas infection is 'crackles'. I'm think they they should have said if it was pleurisy, especially if you had the pain at the time. There are other causes of severe pain in the lung area, if it becomes excruciating call 999.
I've had both broken ribs and pleurisy and the pain on breathing in, moving, laughing, speaking or just moving is very similar indeed - if that any help. Good luck. P
Hey- I am in my third week of having being diagnosed with pleurisy, I have had 2 lots of antibiotics and still have pain in my right hand side when coughing and moving around. Does anyone know or have experience to say how long it takes for the pain the ease? I’m due back to work on Monday and worried I’ll not last the day let alone the week 😢
Go back to yours doctor or if really bad to A&E for checks on your lungs.