im am always getting them chest infections ive just been on antibiotics and steroids they want to admit me to hospital but i did not want to go
chest infections: im am always getting... - Lung Conditions C...
chest infections

They don't send people to hospital needlessly. You maybe should do as your doctor advises. If your antibiotics arnt clearing up your infection hospital is probably the best place for you. Take care of yourself.
I’d agree you probably did need to go to the hospital. However I understand. I don’t go unless I’m nearly passed out because I simply cannot afford to keep running up tremendous bills. So my GP has been very good about prescribing meds and providing medical equipment for home use. I don’t mean to sound a downer but my disease isn’t going to get better and I can’t be running up millions in debt.

Thats wear i am lucky Hospital is free hear in england
In the USA medical costs are exorbitant. A 12 day stay in a hospital can easily run 1.5 million dollars. Even if my insurance pays 80% the 20% is outrageous.

That is a ridiculous amount of money. It must lead to alot of difficult decisions. I do feel for anyone that has to struggle to get proper health care because of cost.

Sympathize with that- I have to arrange animal cover- v stressful so to be avoided at all cost. Can only rely on friends n family for a day or so. Defo better off at home unless totally I incapacitated. Best wishes.
Apeter7874, with your Alpha one...are you not on disability? Which would also include Medicare health benefits, no matter your age....maybe you could try to get get it...your physicians office maybe could help you.
No. I work full time. My dr tells me I need to go on disability however there is the 5 mth wait to get social security disability then two more years to get on Medicare. In the meantime I have a family to support that doesn’t want to be in the poor house. I’m an electrical engineer and my guys do the work. I just tell them how.

That's good....just thought it might help you!!
I am in bad shape and think being forced to wait a total al of 29 months to get Medicare is criminal. I have enough to survive six months until my social security and teamsters pension kicks in , however an additional two years for insurance is ludicrous. Guess I could pay cobra for a time but there would still be a gap.

I know people on disability from different diseases....they did not wait long....they got back pay...that paid their Attorney fees, if you even would need one. Medicare goes with the disability matter the person's age. Children are on Social Security disability and they are covered by Medicare....Medicare is Social Security Disabilities health coverage.
I have two friends who have epilepsy....they have a thing in their chest, they are fine...but they have been on S.S.disability since high school, and have always had Medicare.
I have a nurse friend who has arthritis (really bad) she gets SS disability, Medicare...her retirement now and her health benefits....she just turned 60...had her years in.
I’m very educated regarding the system. There are very few diseases that get to bypass the two year wait. One is end stage renal failure. I think the other is ALS. You have to wait 5 months and you only get retroactive pay if the decision making process takes longer than six months. The way the system works here is it forces one into poverty before you get help. What good is life if you are indigent.

My apologies, just trying to help with what I know.
I am also in the United States....Ohio...the Buckeye State....
I’m in Washington State.
I appreciate your thoughts. I’m not gruff. I just text facts I guess. Thank you for your concern.
Realistically, Obamacare was perfect for the majority of those with terminal illnesses. The system is set up to where one must be well to do in order to have effective healthcare or well below poverty level to be eligible for healthcare. As far as Presidents go they either get 4 or 8 year terms. Pretty insignificant. We’ve went through dozens & will go through many more. As a dying individual I’m not concerned with politics. It’s nothing more eventful than the student body in high school. No one lives long enough to make lasting differences anyway. It’s just a subject that brings up ire in the shortsighted.
This post has been hijacked by Americans and while it's interesting to read about the state of the American health system, it's not answering Music123's question.
You don't say what illness you've got? Is it COPD?
You should do as your doctor says. If you are sent to hospital it will probably be for IV antibiotics delivered straight into your blood system which should clear up the infection.
You should also find out as much as you can about your illness so that you are informed and more able to help yourself. It is horrible having a potentially life threatening illness but the more you know about it, the better you can help yourself,
Rock on
I agree with corriena. They don’t send you to hospital unless there is very good reason. It would be awful to delay and then find the problem worsens over the very period in the heat when the NHS is rushed off its feet. Good luck with your decision but better safe than sorry? Good wishes
Year not heat!! Sorry
Maybe they feel that having intravenous antibiotics are the answer so they can keep an eye on you and test to see which ones work whilst you are there?
listen to doc.lm on my way to pic up antibotics for infection also well tc
Hi there, If they think you should be in hospital GO. Have you tried Carbocistein it helps to clear mucus & that is the area that chest infections breed. You could also try sitting upright in bed with the help of pillows, so your chest stays reasonably free & with carbocisteine
your suspect areas are less, hopefully the infections will not be as frequent.
Your GP should have given you some standby meds which includes antibiotics & steroids,
I find that Clarithromycin or Doxycycline works better for me rather than Amoxiclyne ??which is not good at really clearing up the chest as it's too wide ranging.
I would listen to your GP. Maybe need a stronger antibiotics. Hopefully won't be in long.
I agree absolutely with Corriena. I had two copd infections earlier this year. The first time I was reluctant to follow my GP's advice but he informed me, quite forcefully, that if I failed to go I would probably be dead within 2 days. I was admitted and received great help and, after intensive treatment, I was out in 4 days and then received great follow up from a specialist copd team. Currently I am suffering from a chest infection (not copd) and I have finished one course of steroids together with antibiotics and am now nearly finished a second week of antibiotics. I don't wish to sound alarmist, but if my doctor suggested hospital I would not hesitate. PLEASE take your doctors advice. They don't lightly advise people to go to hospital. My treatment was totally painless and non invasive. There is nothing to be frightened of. I wish you well for the future and, as an aside, I totally agree with James48 that this is not a forum about the American welfare system.
Hi Music123 I hope you did get to hospital as advised by your doctor. In hospital they can give you intravenous anti biotics which can work very quickly and help make you better much more quickly.
Take good care of yourself.
Best wishes Bkin
Oh dear hope you are ok