Just had two weeks on amoxicillin, still coughing, two weeks on co-trimoxadole, cough getting worse, now on Clarithromycin 500 mg with 30 mg prednisolene once a day (and the side effects are kicking in). Of course it is better than the alternative but feel like a threshold has been crossed. Does this mean that all infections from now on will take so long to clear? Can we take these drugs for years or increase the dosages? Also have at last been referred to a consultant, hoorah, but 28 weeks waiting list, ho hum! Best wishes to everyone
Chest infections: Just had two weeks on... - Lung Conditions C...
Chest infections

Well I was taking amoxicillin once every month or couple of months for about a year and a half and then they just seemed to stop working for me. They wouldn't even touch my chest infection. So the doctor put me on doxycycline and told me to only take it for real chest infections (as I have it on repeat prescription, he seemed to think I was ordering it when I didn't really need it) and I found the change really helped. It's so difficult because you know with long term use your body starts becoming immune to them, but what you gonna do!! Rock and hard place comes to mind. Congrats on your referral, hope it all goes well.
Your GP needs to send a sputum specimen for MC&S. This will tell him if he is giving you the right antibiotics. Of course your infection could be viral.
Hi I have found that the Clarithromycin + pednisolone steroid is the best treatment for a chect infection but most practices start with amoxicillin as it is wider ranging antibiotic, it is I understand a little cheaper but if it does you no good what's the point, go straight for the most effective. The chest infections can be helped with the regular use of carbocicteine. This helps to break down the mucus together with plenty of water, reduce the rubbish in the lung and therefore help to keep infection to a minimum. Someone on the forum has also suggested a gargle with warm salt water. Speak with your doc about the above.
Thank you, another one I haven't tried. Is the oximeter to measure oxygen levels? Feeling loads better already after two days, thank goodness. Also do you get your mucus tested?
Ah, I have had that at the doctors - thanks for explaining
Hi oral antibiotics no longer work for me. The nasty little bug I have is immune to them all. Yek going in to hospital for intravenous antibiotics. Consultant agreed to let me have my planned holiday first but only a week. Considering I have had this bug for a very long time I don't think a week is going to make a massive difference. But finally glad it's being sorted. Good luck.