Lovely day it was..Freezing still.
Bea and Aria arrived safely and to bed when Aria finished her geo localisation of the bedroom and balcony! 😻cats!
Bea took a picture of the yellow guys at the toll, letting cars go through for free and stopping lorries. I was glad she didn’t have a road block.
Aria recognised me, sniffed my hand, let me feed her but gave me the distant pose and look. I will have to get back in her good books!! 😃
I’m not feeling much better. Well chest is not so congested but sinuses are still painful although the ENT never found anything. Physio said chest is still inflamed. Don’t think the Azithromycin did the trick. Finished both boxes. Maybe it is that rare bird still travelling around..
I’m wondering what to do..can’t keep writing to that LAM consultant for instructions and being care for at a distance, it’s ridiculous so waiting to see the specialist on Dec 7th in Lyons, I know it is an endocrinologist but it’s the same hospital so maybe he will point me in the right direction when he sees I’m sick. Wish there was a doctor over here who would care enough but none.
I received a copy of a harsh report from the local endocrinologist which I sent onto Lyons. He highlighted the fact that my situation was complex because the Prednisone was depressing my immune system and causing bronchi-pulmonary infections but I had to take it for my adrenal glands insufficiency. So I had guessed as much but it was still hard to swallow. No response to that over here, no follow up..
Mum had a bad news from her Mri, she has osteitis due to that toe infection. 6 weeks antibiotics.
She was really down last night. They are referring her to an orthopaedic surgeon here. I said you stay as long as you need but she wants to go home. So that’s a dilemma because they made a mess of her foot back home.
Wishing you all well xx