Well..well..Prednisone? Cataract Ops? - Lung Conditions C...

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Well..well..Prednisone? Cataract Ops?

39 Replies

Still can’t see properly..

I used to have a pair of varifocals and I was happy apart from my right eye going weird..

I had 2 cataract ops both eyes in March..Went for constant checkups..3 months later surgeon said secondary cataract in right eye..22nd August flashed me 8 times with laser, my eye was so swollen..still can’t see..

My eyesight is going down..

I have implants

Internal lenses

2 pairs of glasses, one varifocal one to read

My right eye is still blurred

I can see my lenses inside my eyes..

Eyedrops every hour and see you next year was all I got..

I give up..

So not only in Switzerland, exactly what happened to me!! Could be they inserted the incorrect lens??


Fran xx

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39 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh Fran, that doesn’t sound good. You’ve had lots done and still can’t see. Something must be wrong but I don’t know what.

Don’t give up. Doctors need to put things right.

Take care dear friend. Xxxx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to sassy59

Carole is right, Fran.

Persevere with the doctors, though you certainly have had a steep hill to climb recently with your medical problems.

My sister had had new lens in both eyes recently , and although seeing to read etc a lot better, still has problems driving in the dark. Driving in the dark is a problem for me at the moment, after years and years of driving in all weathers round the country for my job. I’m afraid to ask to have it fixed now!

Hope things can be fixed for you, Fran 💕🙏 Love xx Penny 🍀

in reply to Yatzy

I don’t recommend those internal lenses At All for the likes of us, dry eyes, steroids and all 🤗🦋🧚🏻‍♀️

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Are external lenses specs, like I’ve got now?? You’re right on the dry eyes though. I’m getting nervous...will stick with the problem a bit longer

🤓 👀 👓 🦉🙈 🌈

in reply to Yatzy

I don’t know what you have?? They are not specs, they make a small incision and slip in an internal lens which clings onto the eyeball..very difficult to remove I was told..

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Just teasing, Fran. 🥰 Yes, I use specs at the moment. Contact lenses don’t suit my sensitive dry eyes. But didn’t realise there were two types of replacement lenses for cataract problem.

But meanwhile I’ll wait a bit longer. I only have rather nasty problems driving in the dark, particularly on narrow country roads, such as to my Mum’s. The dazzle and Van Gogh starry night look is becoming very tiring. 💫✨💫

Other situations, sight is reasonable....in fact optician said better that last few tests....apparently a pre-cataract feature.

Have a restful evening, Fran 🍷🍷👍 xx

in reply to Yatzy

No not 2 types, they have to put implants in, but lenses are a plus to correct your eyesight..

Allez les Bleus tonight! Can’t drink my dear Penny another 4 days antibiotics to go 🥳🥰

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

they better win or it's another 3 quid down the drain lol :) xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

Oh gosh, I’m behind on the ⚽️⚽️!

It’s all Children in Need here, with the north-west part presented from the Storyhouse in Chester....we lived and worked there for thirty years. Exciting!

Allez les bleus ⚽️ though too 🇫🇷 Roll on to five days time ☕️🥛 for now. I hope those abs are working for you 💊💊💊💊 🥰 xx

in reply to sassy59

I have such an agenda Carole!! I just saw the article and it clicked!! 😉😘

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Pete has been on steroids (pred) since 1991 and has cataracts forming. Uh oh. Xxx 😘💋

in reply to sassy59

I’m sorry for Pete..☹️ Better make sure he has it done by a very good ophthalmologist.

I didn’t know I had cataract I could see well apart from the right eye so I don’t think my problem was the cataract. Now the ops made it worse anyway.

But I have so many appointments at the moment I put it to one side until I read the article.

I know I wasn’t the only unhappy customer in the waiting room, we all had after op problems!! And he is a top surgeon. He was chosen by his peers as the best eye surgeon 2 years running. Although his specialty is glaucoma. There was one of those framed articles on the wall!!

You live and learn I suppose..

Love 💕


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Indeed you do Fran. Xx 😬🤨😘

skischool profile image

Heaven forbid my Happy friend.don't tell me you have been walking around for the last 8 months with somebody else's eyes in,is there any way of checking?

I always thought the Swiss were famous for their accuracy and meticulous attention to detail and i sincerely hope there are other reasons for the lack of improvement.

Never mind,like everything else in life we can always blame it on the 'Preds' :)

Sympathetic Ski's and a one eyed cat xx

in reply to skischool

Too tired to check skis 🎿 I have another appointment in Lyons first..we’ll see lol

One eyed cat 🐈 ??!

newlands profile image

When I was about to have my cataract op the surgeon said I had been prescribed the wrong lens, so had to have another test .never really been right just thought time will heal, this week had my eye test for diabetes only to be told I have debris left from my cataract operation got letter this morning to say I need laser treatment,like you I have blurred vision in one eye

Take care Fran


in reply to newlands

Oh dear Dorothy..how lucky it was before the op!!

I see so we need to be patient..well at the after laser check up I had an eye scan, the implant was clean, I have a cyst on the retina but he didn’t think that was the problem..


Fran xx

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh goodness! Reading your post and other members replies,its quite worrrying! I only hope you get your eyes fixed properly. You certainly haven't had an easy ride of things just lately. Best wishes x

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Well that was in the back of my mind. They didn’t have the Times today so gave me the Telegraph, and I saw this article so I thought that may be the problem!!!

Thanks for your kind words x


2greys profile image

I thought that seeing my own eyes reflected in my glasses was freaky, but" I can see my lenses inside my eyes.." beats that. I do hope that they can fix the "mirrors to your soul".

in reply to 2greys

Haha..😃 hope I am not that transparent xx

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to 2greys


Hacienda profile image

Querida Fran, I hope you get this sorted, as everyone else says, you have dealt with enough so far. Thinking of you. Besos Carino. XXX

in reply to Hacienda

Muchas Gracias Carolina 🥰 a new emoji 😃

joyce74 profile image

That's not good, hope it soon gets sorted out Fran x

in reply to joyce74

I have to start chasing it up..thanks Joyce x

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to

You are welcome, good luck 🦋🍀🍁xx

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I am really sorry to know you’re having such problems with your eyes still. That article isn’t good. 😟 I hope once you’ve got your other issues sorted out next month, or at least on the way to being sorted out, you’ll be able to get back to getting your eyesight put right. Take care of yourself 💐

in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Yes one thing at a time I suppose, you are right. Thank you 😊

katieoxo60 profile image

Good morning Fran, sorry the treatment for your eyes seems to have failed after going through the ordeal of ops. Maybe it needs more time for things to settle down, but of course our eyes are one of the things to fail first with age sadly and our sight does get worse sometimes quite quickly. You may have to accept that this is the best you can get from your sight even though most of us would not want to. Take care xxx

in reply to katieoxo60

Good morning Kate,

It has been 8 months since the first op. How long did it take for yours to settle down?

Well I’ll get a second opinion first when I have finished with the endocrinologist on the 7th but it will take some time to get another referral I expect.

Take care too xxx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Hello again Fran most people recover their sight quite quickly generally with in six weeks of cataract ops but as you have other problems guess it would take longer but 8 months sounds a long time to still be struggling with your sight. A freind I know was better in that time after a eye cancer op and he was in his 80s, does not make sense does it ? Sleep well and take care.xx

in reply to katieoxo60

Hello Kate,

I don’t know honestly..

It certainly seems like a long time to me.

Thank you for caring Kate. Sleep well too xx

Caspiana profile image

Oh no Fran. That is not the best news. I am sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what's up, but further investigation is in order. Please do take care of yourself.

Sending hugs,

Cas xx 🙋🐕💕

in reply to Caspiana

Thank you Cas 🌸🍀🤗🦋

Shirleyj profile image

Oh Fran that sounds awful, I hope they sort your eyes out for you x

in reply to Shirleyj

Thank you Shirley xx

helenlw7 profile image

Goodness that doesn’t sound right!

As you know my husband had the cataracts in both eyes removed this year. In his consultation before the first op the surgeon said that his eyesight would be so good that he would no longer need to wear glasses! Originally his lenses were as thick as the bottom of milk bottles and they are now thinner, but he still has to wear varifocals and he isn’t very happy!

in reply to helenlw7

I am glad for your husband Helen.

I don’t know what will come of it. For now I am putting the eye drops in, doctor said every hour my eyes are so dry.

Will see if it improves.

Take care x

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