I hadvmy first cataract op about ten weeks ago, at that time I was given appointment to have second one done five half weeks later,I had to cancelle because of infection , it didn't take long to get another appointment which is to be tomorrow 22dec ,unfortunately after coming out of hospital I developed piriformis siatica ,I have been in so much pain with no sleep ,on Monday I rang to cancelle second eye done as I am afraid I won't be able to lie for long on trolly,the nurse I spoke to said she wouldn't cancelle if she were me as the rule is a second cancellation goes back to bottom of list ,Tuesday I rang agian spoke to another nurse,she will you be able to lie flat for half hour ,I said I think so .she advised to go and have it done ,trouble is my back and leg quite painful today, I have cried half of the day today ,I feel in such a delema, what on earth would others do
Piriformis sciatica, and cataract sur... - Lung Conditions C...
Piriformis sciatica, and cataract surgery

So sorry to hear you’re in such pain Alice. I wonder if you can get into such a position so as not to put too much pressure on your sciatic nerve. Perhaps you can use a heat or feeeze patch, painkillers, anything to get you through.
I do feel for you as does Pete. We’ve both suffered and are thinking of you. Good luck. Xxx👍❤️
Thank you sassy Peter ,I had my first cataract removed two days I think after Peter Hope all went well for him ,I will see how bad or maybe not to bad in the morning
Thank you Alice, Pete is doing well and very happy. I just thought about a pillow which might help too. Wishing you well. Xxxx
The second nurse did say they would give me pilloes
pillow under your knees will help. I have it too, when it's bad I massage a tennis ball into the piriformis area. I also use Volterol Gel, it's Duflofenec instead of Ibuprofen.
Good luck. Peege
Thanks peege ,I'm using diclofenic and the gell ,dont think much of the gell ,omg it is being a night mare ,I'm longing fir a decent sleep
Hi Alice, I'm sorry that you find yourself in this situation. Were I you I would keep the appointment and explain everything when I got to the hospital. I'm sure that the medical team will do their best to help you get through the procedure and that you will be glad that you got it done. Wishing you well xx
Thank you Carol I think that is what I will do
Ru taking pain relief and often enough? Heat packs frequently applied,can alternate with ice packs if u wish.both r physio recommendations as healing,plus soothing.i use tens machine,plus stretches too
I would still go for operation and see what they say when I got mine done it took hardly any time if they know the situation they will be as quick as they can hope all goes well for you take care.
I wish u the best of luck for your operation. A sciatic nerve pain is dreadful, use any painkiller to get u thru. Bernardine. xxx
They were very helpful with me re lying flat. Put a pillow under my knees a d supported me down gently. No problems. If possible I would go as going to bottom of list is not good. If there is a problem then they will see that and if they cancel then you wont go to bottom of list. Good luck xxSheila 👍💕
I hope all goes well, Alice. The pain sounds absolutely dreadful. My doctor prescribed something called Fenbid Forte gel, which he said was stronger than Volterol. Not sure if it was, but possibly worth a try. So is a Tens machine, if you can borrow one. Good luck, whatever you decide. Love, Chris xxx
I wish you all the best for today Alice70 and hope all goes well for you, sending love and hugs x