Exactly that. I found out today there is one a couple of miles away
What do breatheasy groups do? - Lung Conditions C...
What do breatheasy groups do?

I go to my local Breathe Easy group.
We are a friendly bunch, led by a dedicated committee. Most months we have guest speakers who are often there to help us gain knowledge to help us manage our health issues, doctors, respiratory nurses, someone from the lung function test team. Sometimes our physiotherapist comes to do 10-15 mins of exercise. We have had speakers to talk about Age UK, home safety and give advice about driving. Sometimes we have a local choir or another entertainer.
On the rare occasion there's no speaker, we have a quiz.
We go out together too, a summer outing and Christmas dinner.
We have a tea break and a friendly natter.
Mostly we are there to help and support each other. Got a problem? Ask and someone can help or will know a man who can.
I would recommend going along to the local group to anyone with breathing issues.
Check on the BLF site for the nearest group.
I'm glad I joined, I've made lots of new friends, learned how to live again (life seemed to end when I got ill).
I'm not sure that would be for me but thank you
All groups are different as it is up to the people running the group decide on the format. Norwich breath easy do alternet medical and other interest meetings. We have a lovely nurse that comes to each meeting and is always happy to help with advice. To raise funds for breath easy and blf. we have a raffle and a white elaphant stall. Tea coffee and biscuts with time to chatt after the speaker. We also have partys Christmas and birthday. Quizzes and cake, we even had a craft and cake meeting this year. We also organise a bake sale at the local hospital once or twice a year. If any of are members put forward an idear we do try and implement it as the group is thear to help its members so if somone want a particular subject coverd we will do are best to oblige (as long as its appropriate 😉. I do think it may be worth your while to give it a go many frendships have started at are group. problems and ideas are sheard and discussed by people with the same and similar problems and people who realy do understand lung problems as they have them to
I took my husband to the Breathe Easy group in Stoke soon after my COPD diagnosis, where he was able to meet lots of other people with lung diseases from mild to moderate, all able to take part whether they were on oxygen or not, and it reassured him. He realised I wasn't going to drop dead in 5 years as there were people there who'd been living with their conditions for decades.
I now take my singing group to the Breathe Easy group in Crewe twice a year. We'll be back there for the last Wednesday in November, having fun as we use singing carols to exercise all the muscles we need for breathing well.
Hi that was a great question with some v helpful replies. I'd love to go to one but the nearest groups are an hour's drive away. Teach me to live in the sticks!
Go a long with your partner or friend for support. I start after Christmas and hubby coming with me.