Hi guys do you have any tips or does anyone else get what I can only describe as a claggy throat? I have Bronchiectasis at the moment and it's mildish and no infection is present, but I keep getting what I can only describe as a claggy sticky throat that I'm constantly trying to clear ! It's clear frothy mucous and sometimes I can wrench on it making my throat sore , please help I feel like I'm choking!
Claggy feeling in throat! - Lung Conditions C...
Claggy feeling in throat!

Hi 7🌟, question, do you use any inhaled steroids? They can give you thrush, an oral yeast infection that requires a prescription of liquid syrup to resolve.
Don't know if that helps, 😉, good luck!
Thank you TomTitTot, no I don't use any as yet , it horrible tho like big bunches of thick saliva that choke me ! Thanks tho !
Could be acid reflux. A lot of us have it in varying degrees of severity. Best see the doc. P
Hello Sevenstart, I too have severe Bronchiectusis, and I use Carbasisteen, it's capsules from the G.P. I find them really good for clearing the mucus from your chest, if your like me you find it hard to cough up. Best have a chat with your doctor. I do find it easier . Best of luck. 🤞
Hi Sevenstar .
I am not sure but post nasal drip came to mind. I would definitely bring it up with your doctor on your next visit. Take care. xx 🌿
Hi Sevenstar 1,
I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis fifteen months ago and am seeing a consultant for the first time, next week. Your post made me smile because I always say exactly the same thing about having a 'claggy' throat. I have found that inhaling steam with a few drops of eucalyptus oil and tea-tree oil helps me. I try to do this every other day. Also drinking plenty of warm drinks. Funnily enough, I've found that drinking plain water makes the choking feeling worse.
Hope this helps.
Jenniecherrie , yes it's the only word that adequately describes it isn't it ? That's a good tip , I might give it a go to see if it helps , do you get it when you wake up , it makes me want to gag , horrible!
Hi Sevenstar1. Sorry, I've only just seen your reply and question. I'm still trying to work out how to use this forum properly. I do get the 'claggy' feeling first thing in the morning and sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in the stuff. I now use an acapella device every morning and this helps. Best wishes, Jenny