When I lay down I hear crackling in my throat like it right at the top of my throat and it's crackling or wheezing sounds but really high pitched. Does anybody know what it could be?
Crackling in my throat: When I lay down... - Lung Conditions C...
Crackling in my throat

I did get this when I smoked. In your case it could be many things so best advice would be to get it checked out by GP.
That's the sound I get, it is there most of the the time,but you hear it when lying down and all is quiet. It is associated to Bronchiectas, which is my conditions, but obviously could be something else. It's an indication of a medical problem. See your doctor straight away, get a referral to consultant. If it is Bronchiectasis only a CT can properly diagnose it. As with most conditions the sooner it it diagnosed the better to treat it. Good luck.
I had the exact same symptoms and it turned out to be adult onset asthma.
What did they give you for it as they think this may be my problem too....😢 But another doctor is saying mine could also be Reflux...😡 Truth is none of them really know.....
Hi Dee, it took me a while to finally be diagnosed. My situation started when I went on holiday to Portugal where I got a really heavy cold not long after stepping off the plane. This then developed into a bad chest infection. Interestingly, I have never smoked nor had I ever had a chest infection before. I nursed the symptoms myself (coughing, copious green phlegm and weakness) although in hindsight I should have gone to a doctor for antibiotics. When I got home the cough got worse although the green phlegm had cleared. After a few weeks I experienced severe pain from my ribs and could hardly get in and out of the car. The cough and pain became so bad one evening that my partner took me to And E where they admitted me and immediately treated me for a chest infection before getting the results of my X-ray. However, my chest X-ray result subsequently came back clear for infection, although I had cracked a rib with all the coughing. I was discharged with painkillers and the antibiotics discontinued.
The coughing still continued for weeks and I had a strange whistling and crackling sound when lying in bed and a constant need to clear my throat. Winter approached and my symptoms exacerbated and so I went to my GP. He suggested it could be adult onset asthma and sent me to A and E where I was admitted me to a respiratory ward. This time I saw a consultant who sounded me and heard the wheezing, whistling and crackling and diagnosed asthma. The X-ray was again clear of infection. Instead of antibiotics I was commenced on steroid nebulisers and inhaler treatment. They kept me in for a week until the symptoms improved. Although I didn't wish to have asthma, it was a relief to finally get a diagnosis and, subsequently, appropriate treatment.
How did your problems start Dee?
Omg I can't believe what I am reading.... mine started last year in October..after I had been in Turkey.. continuous chest infections put on antibiotics and steroids one course after another coughing green phlegm ect.... Sputum test and x rays came back clear very frustrating by now it was January and still rough finally had a CT scan in March of this year when they said lungs were clear but a couple of scars on the bottom of my left lung... April went to see an ENT consultant at lister hospital Stevenage..... who said I think it's Reflux...! Cos I also lost my voice twice in 3 months said take my ombrazole twice a day instead of once... and it will clear the phlegm...! It didn't...and still have phlegm in my throat and constant wheezing....then was referred to Bedford who he thinks I have onset of asthma he gave me seretide in a pump and I used it for 3 weeks but made me cough more as it's powder and it stuck at the back of my throat..! I am so fed up 😢...! I am still under the hospital but no idea where it's going to go next...x
Thank you Susan,
You have explained my symptoms verbatim.
It sometimes seems the noises are coming from somewhere else and then I would realise that it was my throat.
It all just started out of the blue last March.
Hello Ian,
Have you been to your GP yet?
Yes Susan,
I pretty much did exactly as your story except for the stay in hospital and the cracked ribs (despite the massive amount of deep coughing). I had a scan of my chest with dye which came up all clear. Then a couple of weeks later I got a head cold and the whole thing flared up again. But this time I knew what to do.
I just have to accept that I will have asthma from now on and jump onto the preventer inhaler whenever I get a cold. On the positive side I just found out that the flu jab is free if you have asthma.
Thanks for asking and I hope all is well with you.
Ian, if there is any positive aspect to be had, at least you have a diagnosis. I hope you don't mind my mentioning that asthmatics should be permanently on a preventer whether or not you have a cold. The treatment inhaler should only be used if you are manifesting symptoms. Sorry, it's the district nurse coming out in me!
Hi Susan,
No I don't mind. When my infection cleared the consultant said to wean off the Preventer (brown, Clenil, steroid) inhaler altogether and if symptoms return then to start back onto it, which is the case currently.
I use the reliever (blue, Ventolin) inhaler daily whenever I feel I need it. My diagnosis is Mild Asthma (non-atopic).
I'm with you Merrykat - I understand that the GP has advised you to wean yourself off the Clenil Ian, but if you're needing Salbutamol every day, then it's vital that you prevent the asthma in the first place - the blue pump (Salbutamol) is only a boost. I'm not a doctor, just lived with asthma for 38 years and mild or not, you need that brown pump EVERY day. Not trying to 'best' your GP, but asthmatics know asthma! Plus having once been told by a GP to limit the pumps I used of a particular brand because "its expensive" I listen to my lungs now, NOT the one more concerned about the purse strings than my health! Hope you're better 😁
Sounds like it could be mucus waiting to be released. I can't lie on my back for this reason - it always makes me cough, which I need to do as I have Bronchiectasis. But, yes, it needs checking.
If you have COPD or bad chest with mucas it is common. It is flem in the top of your throat, give it a good few caughs and loosed it up.
I get it many times.
I have crackling too bwelter42 and have a disease of the small airways. Talk to your doctor. Take care.
Cas xx 🌹🍀🌹
Hi bwelter,
I had the exact same problem. It has completely disappeared since I started taking lansoprazole to treat suspected gastric acid reflux.
I have had mild to moderate asthma for about 34 years (I am 38 now). I have never been able to come off medications. Several years ago my asthma got significantly worse, coupled with sleep apnoea which led to sleepiness in daytime and headaches etc. On feature of this long episode was crackling "in the throat", mainly when I inhaled, and I could only hear it when lying down. It was right at the base of the throat (sort of centred at the depression right above the rib cage), plus a centimetre below and a few centimetres above that. This was also accompanied by a slight but significant wheeze in that could barely be heard but that I knew was making it slightly difficult for me to breathe.
My consultant prescribed lansoprazole suspecting, because of all of my symptoms and the fact that medicines for treating asthma, even in very high regular doses, seemed to have stopped working. Note that the asthma was not severe but it was persistent and not fully responsive to treatment despite several treatment changes. Moreover, all test results - pulmonary function tests, chest xrays, blood tests etc were normal.
Within a week of starting lansoprazole, my asthma had disappeared (I still require daily medication of course but do not feel asthma anymore). But I only fully realised what else had got better when I had to stop it for a few weeks before an endoscopy: Within five days of stopping lansoprazole, my asthma had got worse and I couldn't sleep well at night. Occasional crackling "in the throat" when lying down had resumed accompanied by a low-grade wheeze and slight difficulty in breathing.
My guess is stomach acid going into the lungs (which is what causes heartburn) can lead, in some people, to excess mucus production in the top part of the lungs which produces crackling sounds. This somehow accumulates at the base of the throat/right at the top of the lungs. Moreover, it happens mainly when lying down perhaps because a) all is quiet so you can hear more b) when lying down, maybe it is easier for acid to reflux into the lungs.
PLEASE SEE A CONSULTANT/DOCTOR though as many conditions can cause crackling sounds when breathing and some of those are very serious. You need to be seen by a doctor. Because my asthma was not responding to treatment, I was referred to a specialist. Your GP might be able to do the same for you.
Hope it helps!
i also have been told it could be reflux but i also have itchy eyes and skin...
I know this post is old but hope you see this. I have acid reflux (gerd) without the symptoms. I just get that lump in the middle of my chest. Lately I started coughing out of the blue, again, just this thing in the middle of my chest that won’t go away. I was prescribed pantoprazole and other stuff. Endoscopy has been mentioned but not sure what it can resolve. I’m reluctant to do it. Did endoscopy do anything for you?
I experience thesame apparently it's to do with inflamed larynx I was referred to physio which has helped a bit might be good idea to ask your gp to refer you to ent hope this helps
I have this too and I have bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis I think as the others have said it’s caused by a built up of mucus for me x
I get this was told it was secretions at the back of my throat probably caused by a combination of post nasal drip and acid reflux
Will update later when at my PC, very interesting thread this - sounds so much like my issues - with a twist!
I am still struggling with this, Nexium does help but now that I've tried coming off it the noise has gotten worse again; any new info on this?
I used to have this! Sounds like a wheeze?
I was diagnosed last year after a nasty chest infection with adult onset asthma.
I take Fostair. I’m meant to take it two puffs morning and evening.. but when we’ll manage with one puff a day... never the blue one.
Recently I have taken it morning and evening as I seem to be sensitive to pollen. My doctor has also advised constant anti histamine morning and night and this really helps!
I hope you find a good solution.
I seen your post and noted it was from a year ago and wondering if it was resolved? About a week ago I started having a popping, cracklings meowing, sizzling sound coming from my throat. A few days later I went to the dr and she said I had bronchitis. I’m on zpack for the bronchitis and an albuteral inhaler for the lungs but I’m still having the sounds coming from my throat especially when I lay down. I also have chills, then burning hot, nausea, dizziness, cough, bad chest pain especially when laying on my tummy, overall weakness and diarrhea. Sounds like a party, I know. Lol
Hoping you can tell me what was causing your issues and hope your feeling better.
This is an interesting conversation, I hadn’t seen it, thanks for reviving it. I get popping noises in my throat, I didn’t even know it’s a thing, I thought it was just me. It sounds like popping candy and happens near the top of my throat I suppose, like at the bottom of my neck kind of height. It doesn’t happen all the time, just from time to time. I’ve had asthma my whole life so it can’t be adult onset asthma unless that’s something else. I too would be interested to know what was causing the issues.
I am currently having this problem 3 chest infections with wheezing in three month. X-rays clear been to the drs had 4 lots of antibiotics which work for a couple of weeks then it comes back. I have been told it is reflux and given lanzoprazol which I have been taking for a week weeks now. But my chest infection has come back with vengeance this time wheezing crackling and random bubbling in my throat I have not managed to eat over Xmas so lost a stone since Xmas eve. I don’t really know what to do
I had exactly the same symptoms for a long time and they disappeared completely after the the following two were fixed:
1. uncontrolled allergy causing postnasal drip. switching to fexofenadine tablets and Avamys nasal spray helped immeasurably with this (as well as with keeping my nose clear and hives/itching at bay). post nasal drip may have been causing mucus to accumulate at the base of the throat.
2. acid reflux: this was controlled with lansoprazole. It may have happened because over the years I had put on a lot of wait due to inactivity. I used to feel extremely tired during and after exercise or even a walk as I couldn't breathe properly. I think this is why I put on a lot of weight in the first place. This may have led to acid reflux which in turn led to uncontrolled asthma as well as mucus in throat.
Hope it helps
I've still have this, I've been to many doctors for it an neither of them have a clue; the real cause seems to be mucus going down your throat to the airways, this is done by the body to compensate for reflux going down the airways. The best advice is to not eat or drink anything for 3 hours before going to bed. If anybody gets a firm diagnosis please come back to post here.
Go to your ENT , is your thorat swelling or have any ulcers on your thorat or tonsils , I've been doing this and it got bad to where my tonsils was sweallin up , I was getting choked on food or drinks, I had ulcers but the cracklings sound started first when laying down and then it lead to all that and I was diagnosed with LPR witch is a acid reflux that happens at night while laying down and most don't feel the acid destroying your esophagus and thorat but it is ..It's very serious I was first told I had sleep apnea cause I wasn't sleeping well , would snore sometime and stop breathing too but it all was from damage and swelling the acid was causing ..Go to your ENT they will order a upper GI test ... This is a serious condition that can lead to more serious issues including esophagus cancer !!
Hello! I have the same issue...sounds like meowing crackling popping...like pop rocks candy. Was informed it was GERD. Basically acid reflux.. You are hearing your stomach acid because when you are laying down the "opening" isn't shutting as it should. Sometimes the acid can even come into the esophagus and burn. I am being vague as what I know is vague. So before you tell me I'm wrong, I already know. This is just my experience.
This is called Rales. Its an abnormal lung sound characterized by discontinuous clicking, crackling or rattling sounds. I hear this 'rice krispies' sound all the time and mine, I think, is caused by my COPD. You can check out this rales page @ (easyauscultation.com/rales) and even listen to an example of what is sounds like.
I had this when I was ill two years ago. I thought I was dying. The doctor just shrugged and said “you have rails”. Now, I’m sitting here in the couch in perfect health and I can feel and hear those bubbles again. I looked up rails but cannot find anything about them.
Rales appears to be a term used for the sounds:
I've had asthma for 11 months, and get the crackle/wheeze noises too now. More noticeable in feeling and sound at night. It's been worse and more frequent with higher pollen levels recently too - something I'll mention to the nurse next time I see her, but does feel like a type of congestion.
I have sleep apnea and also GERD, I recently had an upper GI and everything is normal. I still have the crackling noise and it has been 2 years. Other than some white tongue with no apparent reason and my usual panic attacks I really have no idea what this could be.
Hi Ethan I am having the same pop rock candy crackling noises especially when lying down.Started around 4months ago. Prior to that I have been experiencing a burning type of chest discomfort,without the actual chest infection. I have been to the ENT specialists here in Australia and eliminated that area with a scope. I have also had a scope of the easophogus and stomach which were clear and a low dose chest Ct three years running to monitor a couple of nodules which are good as well. I had a bad chest infection late Oct 2018 and ongoing cough for 3 months. Antibiotics,steroids puffers etc. Cough eventually cleared. Back to lung specialist last week and pretty much wasted another $250 dollars.
Here is my history, started smoking age 9 and stopped at 49(8yrs ago)
Have had a hmmhmm throat clearing issue for twenty years which seemed to be agrovated by cigs. That gets worse with inhaled steroid inhalers now funnily enough but I have read that is not unusual.
I have had spirometry done several times over the years which shows a mild obstructive deficit but right on
lower limit of normal.I have also had the heart checked out and that is all good.
I jog regularly and have done for 40 years . I am so frustrated with this problem . I have been on nexium for reflux which I don't have and antihistamines and puffers and pain killers. I believe I may have a pocket of inflammation that has occurred from repeated infections over my lifetime and now this has remodelled the airways. I think this is causing the chest discomfort and lung crackling that is quite audible at the mouth in quiet surroundings when lying down .It occurs early on inhalation lasting half of the breath in. I don't really bring up any mucus and when I do it is a very small amount which is clear but it is quite tacky and the effort to get it up is ridiculous ,given the tiny bit that comes up,which supports my theory on inflammation. I have had so many visited to drs and specialists and to be perfectly honest have learned more from reading posts here and publications on the net .
My question to anybody reading this is has any body had the chronic chest burning type pain (similar pain as when I have a lung infection) and the crackling on inhalation mainly when lying down and the chronic hmmhmm throat clearing like you are trying to drag up mucus. Also I have some right upper mid back discomfort when the throat clearing is acting up.
Regards Bobby1962
I’ve had the chest pains though they are long gone. I always ask docs what they think and none of them even have a clue. The best Pulmonologist around said not to worry, and I actually believed him, but still do.
I have eventration of a Hemidiaphragm, but the one thing I mentioned before that I believe is the cause is Sleep Apnea. When you have sleep apnea the airway collapses like a empty hose, so that’s when the air makes noises with the mucus and saliva around there. I have learned to live around the noise avoiding it, the best thing is the CPAP that does eliminate the sound almost all the time.
Cheers Ethan I agree the crackling noise makes me anxious and I am just not used to it. I'm guessing my mild copd has got a bit more symptomatic and this may be my new normal.Anyhow I see from the posts that others are having bigger struggles than me and my thoughts go out to them. It is comforting to speak to people who are having similar problems and knowing that they understand.
Regards Bobby
Hi Bobby came across your post after search the new for answers, I see it was a couple of years ago but your symptoms are the first I have ever read that are absolutely the same as mine ! Did you ever get a diagnosis?
Hi , no never got a firm diagnosis. I am pretty sure it is progressive lung damage. Very hard to get used to. Seems to have a mechanical aspect, ie turning from left to right side in bed affects it and standing seems to relieve it. I did have a hrct last year which showed some minor emphysema. Several normal ct scans did not see any emphysema.Lung specialist and I agree that it is a patch of upper respiratory inflammation that has become chronic. She spoke about the part of the respiratory system between ear nose & throat and lungs as no mans land. Neither specialists deal with this area .We were discussing the chronic throat clearing. I have read articles about the crackles being common with chronic bronchitis. I am one of eight children who all smoked , but I’m the only one who has problems. I ceased smoking ten year’s ago. I remember having breathing issues for most of my life. I had lots of chest infections over the journey which I think were the culprit. I have read that to be the cause as well. Happy to chat, regards Bobby
Did u ever figure out what it was I'm having the same issues. I have a white tounge and pop rock sound in my throat??????
Nope, and I am close to 4 years with it. I've heard it more lately but I have gained some weight so that may be contributing to it. The words that give me some comfort were from the best pulmonologist I saw said it sounded "mechanichal." Strange that you also have the white tongue; my gastro is the only one that took a shot at that and said it looked like hairy tongue.
This sounds exactly like what I have. The crackling seems to be coming from the area near my soft and hard palates, not from my chest/lungs. Is anyone else having the same feeling? I had my chest xrayed and my lungs were clear.
I have been dealing with similar issues since May. I have been to multiple doctors, 3 ER visits, and an ENT. All have told me my chest x-rays are clear and treat me for bronchitis. The ENT diagnosed me with severe acid reflex and Im suppose to see a pulmonologist this month. The wheezing and crackling (sounds like it’s coming from my throat) is getting worse by the day. I do not sleep at night. I’m up coughing all night. Most nights it feels like my throat is closing shut. I have a nebulizer and have been on 3 rounds of steroids. Nothing seems to help anymore. I’m beginning to freak myself out at this point, as nothing is helping me.
I'm so very sorry. Have they done a CAT Scan? My doctor has mentioned that but I haven't done it yet.
Hello Sam and Ising
I can comment on crackling sounds when breathing. They were one of the first things I noticed when I realised I was finding it hard to breathe. For me I learned that my crackling came from the base of my lungs because they were not inflating properly. The smallest airways were in effect dying off to state it simply. In some people it's because the airways are filled with mucous.
I still have crackles from my left lung now, since I recently had a right lung transplant. They will not be able to see the damage if in fact you have any damage of your small airways by x-ray. Mine was so infinite even the CT scan could not show it. I was diagnosed with Obliterative Bronchiolitis by a spirometry tests, six minute walk tests, blood has tests and I can't recall what else.
I would ask for a spirometry test if you haven't already had one. Please remember that the above is just my experience with crackles. It does not mean you have what I have. 😊 I hope you will let us know how you are doing.
Sending best wishes,
Cas xx 🙋🐕
Your coughing is caused most likely by post-nasal drainage. You need an antihistamine to dry it up. Also, you should ask your primary care doctor before you try it in case the medication reacts with others you may take.
About the feeling like your throat is closing up. There is a little known diagnosis of VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction) caused essentially from the irritation in the throat and it causes a kind of spasm in the vocal cords. You can try blowing your nose and/or rinsing your nose out. There are nasal sprays that dry up the mucus (which oftentimes you can never feel because it is in the back of the throat) but those sprays can cause high blood pressure so talking to a doctor is best.
A great test for VCD is noticing when you are coughing and breathe in hard to catch your breath and the sound is like a quiver, that's the vocal cords shaking. If you get hoarse or voice changes, it is also a sign. ALSO, about VCD, you can pass out from it so if you are driving or doing something dangerous when your cough gets worse, stop and pull over. There was a time where doctors would let the patient pass out to stop the spasm which was and is often diagnosed as Asthma.
Disclosure: Of course, check with your doctor as some of these things interact with medications you may be on and this advice is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat anyone for any condition. I advise you to talk to your doctor before trying any of these remedies.
I have all of the same and I was finally diagnosed with diffuse airway collapse. I had to ask for ct scans to be repeated and finally on the second or third it showed the collapse.
I had mono that turned into pneumonia and I began to rattle. 5 years later still rattling I had surgery. After the surgery my throat felt like it was closing and it progressed to shortness of breath. I now have huge problems and am short of breath. I have better weeks and months and then I get an exacerbation and it’s worse again. I wear a cpap. I also have had reflux forever.
I am sorry please make sure u say your throat is closing and ask for ct scans.
Yes me too. Did you find out what it is
I have this as well
I had it since 2 years ago
I had those crackling sounds for more than a year. They were coming in no more than 2 minutes after laying down. A week ago I tried a drop of Colloidal silver with water. From the very next day I haven't had any cracking sounds. Hope this helps
The use of Colloidal Silver - please be aware that the British Lung Foundation have no knowledge of any research being done on this form of treatment in the UK. It isn't in any guidelines that they are aware of, nor would they ever recommend anyone tries a treatment like this when it hasn't been recommended by their consultant.
Please take care.
Also, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition. There is more reading here -
They're called Tracheal Rales or Crackles; Crackles are often associated with inflammation or infection of the small bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. Reflux would cause inflammation due to the high acidity of stomach fluids. Smoking and allergies would cause inflammation, as well as a whole lot of environmental factors, medications, etc... Using Proton Pump Inhibitors (Prilosec, Zantac, etc...) is only a short term fix. Taking them reduces your immune system so severely over time that you become more susceptible to inflammation and now, infection.
The cure? Eat Ginger [check with your doctor first] and a lot of it every day for about a week (the kind that burns your mouth; strong). Your reflux will disappear. If the symptoms come back later, do it again but only once or twice in a week. If you smoke, try to quit but if you can't, take Olive Leaf [check with your doctor first] and it will stop the rales but CHRONIC inflammation is what causes most cancers. Do deep breathing exercises and stretch your lungs (make them bigger). If you cough when you take a very deep breath, you need deep breathing exercises several times a day, every day until the cough goes away. Then several times a week for the remainder of your life.
About allergies. Go to pollen.com and sign up for pollen alerts in your area to learn exactly what you are allergic to as far as pollens. Taken some probiotics every day and build your body into a powerful disease-fighting machine. If you smoke and can't stop, or don't want to stop, buy an electronic machine and natural tobacco and roll your own. If the barcode on a cigarette reads FSC (Fire Safe Cigarette), that means you are smoking through rings of carpet glue (3 in a 100 length and 2 in Kings). Buy natural papers to roll your cigarettes.
Disclosure: Of course, check with your doctor as some of these things interact with medications you may be on and this advice is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat anyone for any condition. I advise you to talk to your doctor before trying any of these remedies.
Older post but after reading identical problem with all of you, I can say that this is caused by brathing in particulate matter. The green color indicates pollen (sometimes infection, the colors are similar), esp. oak pollen, which is like dust on everything here in the spring. Although any concentration of any type particles will lead to varying degrees of these symptoms. Stuffy throat (snorting constantly to loosen it), wheezing and gurgling esp. when laying down / waking, green phlegm, blowing nose excessively. All that happens with me here in Maryland for a month or so in the spring and a week or two in the fall. The abundance here makes it hard to remedy. Smoking makes it worse, I assume. I don't and you shouldn't. As I have moved past 50 in the last few years it's gotten more noticable.