Targeted Lung Health Check Programme - Lung Conditions C...

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Targeted Lung Health Check Programme

jimmymumu profile image
48 Replies

I've just been invited to take part in a new NHS programme that checks for early signs of lung cancer.

Has anyone else been through it and what can I expect?

Will this affect my COPD diagnosis etc?

The last lung scan i had was over 10 years ago and came back as emphysema

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jimmymumu profile image
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48 Replies
Troilus profile image

I read about this a while ago. In my area, it is being rolled out from April this year. My home county is on the list, but not yet.

From what I have read, they ask you some questions and if they think it suitable you will be invited for a ct scan.

CarolMcl profile image

Sounds a really good idea, it's the first I've heard of it

ladyn profile image

Yes I did it a few years ago. You have a scan, get asked questions. You attend once a year, for 3 years.

jimmymumu profile image

Thank you everyone. I think it's a great idea even though its left quite anxious about it. I shall just have to see how it goes.

Nimrod2 profile image

Please take part in this. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation have fought long and hard to get this adopted to identify lung cancer as early as possible. When you get the letter please contact the number. You will be telephoned and asked a range of questions. Based on your answers you will be invited for a CT scan or told that your risk is low and one is not needed. I have COPD and was telephoned. I was assessed as low risk and nothing further was required. It has no effect on your COPD diagnosis. I lost my husband to lung cancer and wonder whether if this had been in place, he might have been diagnosed earlier. Sorry for the length of this message but as you might expect I am quite passionate about this new initiative.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Nimrod2

I totally understand your passion and I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I was always going to engage with the programme but it left me with so many fears. My mother passed from lung cancer and it took a lot out of me.

Nimrod2 profile image
Nimrod2 in reply to jimmymumu

I can understand how you feel, but the sooner a diagnosis is made the better. I too was worried but after my telephone assessment I was told no CT scan was needed. I do all I can to manage my COPD, which luckily has stayed moderate for many years.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Nimrod2

I agree the sooner the better. That's all I seem to do too. Manage my copd relatively well, avoid triggers etc and do what I can on the day

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to jimmymumu

If they catch things early they can be easily treated.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Turnipgirl


PaulineHM profile image

That’s good news for you. Hope your test comes back clear for you.

Think these centres may still be in pilot mode ?

In any case over 74 year olds are not invited.

Most testing ie bowel cancer, mammograms etc seem to stop for over 74 year olds.

Be well,


jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to PaulineHM

That's totally shocking to be honest.

Lee_Scoresby profile image
Lee_Scoresby in reply to PaulineHM

I believe, in the case of bowel cancer screening and maybe the others, you are able to request a continued test; it’s just not automatic.

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Lee_Scoresby

Yes I agree, it can be requested as can a mammogram too. I may bring up the possible lung cancer screening on request for over 74's with my local NHS ICB and see what the answer is.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to PaulineHM

Good luck

Lee_Scoresby profile image
Lee_Scoresby in reply to PaulineHM

I googled the title line and discovered just how geographically targeted the programme is. I'm nowhere near any of the target areas, so that's me out :-(

You might have better luck, though 👍

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Lee_Scoresby

I've not seen the targeted list, do you have a link?

Yeo58 profile image
Yeo58 in reply to jimmymumu

I haven’t seen any list but from our local news Bath and Bridgwater Somerset are target areas here

Lee_Scoresby profile image
Lee_Scoresby in reply to jimmymumu

Like I said, I entered the title line (that started this discussion thread) into Google. A list of hits followed and one of them would be the link you’re interested in. I’ve had a look, but unfortunately I didn’t keep it.

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Lee_Scoresby

Still piloting these scans I believe… ?

Troilus profile image
Troilus in reply to PaulineHM

At the risk of being controversial I think that, in some respects, the treatment of elderly people in this country is appalling. They don’t have access to screening programs and help for mobility ( I don’t mean walking aids - I’m talking physio etc) is none existent ( with the exception of the covid vaccine) It is as if they are saying you are on the way out so we aren’t wasting money on you.

lungs profile image
lungs in reply to Troilus

I agree with you Troilus. Service for the elderly is appalling. Despite everyone knowing how the elderly were shamefully treated during the pandemic, nobody is shouting out about it

Oldhippylynn profile image
Oldhippylynn in reply to PaulineHM

I had a mammogram this year but have been told that now I'm 70 i wont be invited for any more, same with the cervical smears, that ended at 65, its ridiculous as i know people who have had breast cancer over 70, maybe i will have to go private for scans, it does make my blood boil.

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Oldhippylynn

It is irritating isn't it, especially when the quality of our lives is still good, despite our lung condition. If you are concerned about about a breast or cervix can you ask your GP?

Yoga2011 profile image
Yoga2011 in reply to Oldhippylynn

You can still request a mammogram after 70, you just want get an automatic invite. Stupid idea to me.

Mellywelly profile image

I would jump at the chance if I were you. Better to know now rather than later. 👍

Profil123 profile image

Im going for mine today , i had one a year ago and was fine , they even have it as a mobile unit at large supermarkets .. please take up the offer

PurpleEllie profile image

My husband has had this. He has COPD as he smoked for 50 yrs. The fact that he did smoke was enough to put him through for the scan. His lungs were clear, thankfully, but they did flag up a calcification of his aortic valve. He has an appointment with a Cardiologist next Tuesday so he’s really glad he went for the scan even though he was rather apprehensive beforehand. You should go.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to PurpleEllie

I shall be following this through. Fingers crossed i'll be fine

LissacFrance profile image

Go for it! Having lost my brother-in-law with lung cancer, anything that can be done for an early diagnosis has to be worthwhile. Good luck, Chris.

Germantara profile image

I can understand peaple being anxious bout having things done it's the thought off the results that put fear into peaple but it's best to try put fear facter to one side because if you get chance for anything you go early diagnosis in anything medical issues it better for evertone

fancy1872 profile image

The NHS here in Scotland had something similar about 10 years ago or so, for the early detection of lung cancer and I was a willing volunteer aged about 50 then for the CT scans as i had smoked for over 30 years by then and my mother had died with lung cancer being the first of her diagnosis. I was asked after one scan by the radiologist how long had I had COPD . I said i had not been diagnosed, but she commented well it is quite clear on your scan. There was no referral made for further investigations and I did nothing about it until many years later and many chest infections later, my GP referred me for a spirometer test in 2018. Unbelievably, the results showed I did not have COPD by that measurement then. Many more infections the following year and my GP referred me again and I was diagnosed in 2020 weeks before first lockdown with severe (bullous?) emphysema to no ones surprise especially my GP and myself. And it has been downhill since, sadly. Sorry for long post.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to fancy1872

Sorry to hear of your painful journey. Its such a consuming illness isn't it, not only physically but mentally too..I do think the tests are a great idea, I was just worried about what they may or may not find.

PaulineHM profile image

Should be available everywhere by 2024… we’ll see!

Morrison10 profile image

Hi, I was born with Pcd, and for last few years have seen good consultant who is knowledgeable and helpful about problems caused by PCD. I may ask her about lung cancer tests when see her in September. Jean

Ern007 profile image

I have not been through "NHS programme that checks for early signs of lung cancer." but I have certainly been tested. First was x ray that showed an abnormal shadow, which after CT scans was diagnosed as scarring.

In short testing is X Rays and CT Scans, - Nothing horrible.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Ern007

Thanks. I had enough of those when I was first ill. They found scarring on my lungs too

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to jimmymumu

Yep, most of my CT scans was with contrast - did not like that but, was soon over. Yes I felt like I had had enough "scans" also.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Ern007

It feels like a bee sting doesn't it when they put the contrast in your arm!

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Turnipgirl

Yes - it's the funny feeling I don't like.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Ern007

The x rays don't hurt and the radiographers put you at ease.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Turnipgirl

That's true XRAY CT- Staff always brilliant.

Yeo58 profile image

I understand this screening is being rolled out in certain areas at the present, including Somerset where I live. Apparently it’s areas with above national average rates of lung cancer that are being prioritised before becoming a national screening programme, it is a different kind of scanner that can detect very small cancer cells in the lungs, before it becomes a problem, from our local news coverage there are only a few of these scanners at the moment. Myself and my husband both had our phone calls. They ask a few simple questions and according to your replies either invite you for scan or not. My husband was briefly a smoker and quit years ago, he does not need scan, I need a scan but as I’ve just had a hip replacement they are leaving me for a few months to recover better from operation.

There does seem to be a push by our local nhs trust for all things respiratory. My town has above national % of deaths from COPD, our health authority have launched a study into all things respiratory in my town, from GPs services, air monitoring and everything else!

Mistydeb01 profile image

I also got an invite a few months back. They found a nodule and moderate emphysema ☹️. I didn’t know about either of these, I’m due a 2nd lung scan next week to see if the nodule has grown. Fingers crossed the nodule is ok

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Mistydeb01

That must be quite unsettling,, i do hope it goes on to be nothing serious for you. Thank you for sharing that and I hope you're being supported well through this.

It should be a lesson to all to get the Lung check done. I've got my first one on Monday, then 8 weeks for the results 🤞🤞

Mistydeb01 profile image
Mistydeb01 in reply to jimmymumu

Thank you. Hopefully if it is anything then hopefully they've caught it soon. I had invasive breast cancer early this year, so hopefully it’s nothing to do with that, but if it is then I’ll deal with it.

I guess the moderate emphysema has been there a while though. That has me more worried as my dad had was dx’d with this when he was a young man and I grew up with him struggling to breath each day

Good luck with the scan (if you have one), as not everybody does. They ask a load of questions first and then enter on computer, if you are lucky you get the scan. The scans only last about 5 mins if that and are a breeze.

jimmymumu profile image
jimmymumu in reply to Mistydeb01

Thank you. I hope things go well for you too. I'll see how it goes on Monday

jimmymumu profile image

Just a little update to my original post..

Went and had the Lung Health Check and scan. After 4-5 weeks I received 3 letters this morning. The first confirmed my Emphysema, they put me as mild but my Spirometry has me at moderate. The second confirmed no lung cancer, thank goodness. The third confirmed Calcium deposits around my heart. I'm already on medication for this.

It was a quick and easy process and would advise everyone to go for the lung health check if you're offered it. Jimmy

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