What to expect? And how do they get the contrast stuff in you. Is it injected?
First ct scan with contrast. - Lung Conditions C...
First ct scan with contrast.

I had my 3rd ct scan about a month ago. Ten minutes before the scan a nurse fitted a cannula into my arm ( painless ) and then the team doing the scan put the dye in just before the scan. Again its painless, however you may have the sensation that you have wet yourself, as many people do. In my case my head felt very warm, but it was a nice sensation. It really is nothing to worry about, but to make your life easier, dont wear any jewellery, and if there is no metal in your clothes you wont have to mess around weari g the silly hospital garments. That was my experience, hope it helps.
Thanks for that. It's so tiring getting dressed and undressed. So I will make sure I have no metal in my clothes. I will have to go bra less for once lol. How long does it all take and do you feel ok after wards? Also will they remove my wedding ring?
The actual procedure is no more than 10 minutes and afterwards i felt fine right away, however there could be waiting prior to the scan. Personaly i was in the hospital about 40 minutes with very little waiting. When the nurse put the canular in i was also asked to drink half a litre of water. With regards to your wedding ring, im not sure, i always remove jewellery before attending hospital for xrays scans etc.
I wear an inexpensive sports bra when I have a scan, which is fine as it has no metal bits. I have had several scans and so far have not been asked to take my wedding ring off, so you probably won’t have to. Gold is non-magnetic. I have not had a cannula for dye so far, just an injection, but the procedure varies from hospital to hospital. My husband is having a chest scan next week and has had to fill in a questionnaire but I have never had that anywhere (different hospital). You will be fine so try not to worry xx
Sorry, I've no idea however, see a four hour old post from Brinnie. She/he has recently had it done. All the best for your scan. P
PS also see to the right: Related Posts, you'll find more information from other patients.
Hi there,the whole process is quiet painless,sharp scratch is the normal comment as a ct assistant normally inserts the cannula,as you go through the scan you will feel quite an intense warm glow curse through your body,i found it quite pleasant but it only lasts a short while and you are very soon done and dusted so to speak and ready to go home.
regards Ski's and Sccriffs x
Thankyou. Do you know whether I will have to remove my wedding ring please?
i personally wasn't as it was only my lungs being scanned though i believe it was taped over as a matter of routine.x
Thankyou. I am really not happy about taking it off. So hopefully they might tape over mine.
I have had a lot of CT Scans (with contrast) on my chest and full body PET Scans. On each occasion my arms have been behind my head and the lower arms/hands do not get scanned at all.
It would seem all hospitals different. At one I was allowed my wedding ring. At a different one they made me remove it, once for full body PET scan and also for chest CT scan with contrast. I now remove before I go to hospital. Neither scan was uncomfortable.
I had a CT scan in December when I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lungs and what they do is you lie on a bed with your arms up and they inject the contrast material into a vein.
The scan itself isn't very long and it's like going through a ringed doughnut and the scanner is open and the radiographers are friendly and will put you at ease.
Best of luck!

Thankyou for that