hi there Id been coughing night and day , mainly night for 4months. After lung function, xray and ct came back all clear they finally diagnosed me with GERD. The meds they put me on for acid reflux have reduced coughing but i still cough 4 to 5 times a night with a little phlem. still some coughing through day at least one bout a day. I also wheeze and the asthma puffers they put me on didnt yield great results. Im not sure how to tackle this lingering cough. any suggestions. I drink 1 tablespoon ginger a day, take vitamins and probiotics and eat no acidic foods. It helps to sit upright at night so i dont cough but that affects my sciatica. lack of sleep makes for a super unproductive day
4 month cough and phlem: hi there Id... - Lung Conditions C...
4 month cough and phlem

Mate i feel for you i had gerd for 18 months its the pitts and in my case PPI'S make no difference had did they diagnose it mate ? an endoscopy i had 2 i have a small Hiatus hernia the one had in Uk is usually done with throat spray in Australia they did with local anesthetic ! With the endoscopy it confirm if its effecting your throat i recently had 24 hr manometry and thats not as daunting as i thought still awaiting results,
To compound my issue my cough and coughing blood 18 months on just been diagnosed as a fungal ball in my lung at least i know but scared !
Problem at night the acid can rise why i at worst in morning cough and crazy belching and nausau some days all day drives me insane ! Have you raised your bed ie 2 brick either side books will do as technically the acid cant rise due to gravity . Also not eating 3 hrs before bed helps ! Did you feel the acid burning your throat ? and food regurgitation ! I found aloe vera tablets help as heal properties also d - limone jarrow brand cheapest its orange peal extract when you burp you notice it supposed to coat the throat as be clinically proven . To help with food digestion dgl licorice extract
soothes the stomach hope that helps mate
Hi there i actually thought i reading my own story though I've been like it over a year now and attending hospital appointments regularly about it.
I had 4 courses of antibiotics in beginning of this year but i still have remaining phlem left that is keeping my cough going i know it I've told docs it maybe if they would try me with a really strong antibiotic but they don't seem to want to do it.
I've had all the breathing tests you can think of a Barium Swallow test.. Xrays..meds for Nasal Drip..Sputum Samples..oh can't mind them all. I'm still attending so if you or I get a cure we can say ok. I'm back again next month.
I keep a Benylin cough bottle on my bedside cabinet it does help with the cough through nightime settles it.
I find if i laugh heartily or eat it triggers a coughing episode. Don't know if you find this.
My next appt is in Immunology they are thinking now along the lines of its something im allergic to i do have pets but i do also have phlem still lingering in my chest which i know is keeping my cough going.
Lordbless mmmmmmmmmmm
Praying to God it can be resolved and soon.
I have the same problem gerd for over 10 years.. This is what I do now.. I put blocks under my bed to raise the bed.. I just ordered a bed that raises at both ends better than blocks... I found out from a Dr dealing with this problem it was a throat Dr because of losing my voice... That asthma medication can add to the acid reflux it dries out your throat... I drink apple cider vinegar every morning with water look that up.. Long term acid reflux medications give you health problems which I don't want.... but raising my bed help don't bother with the pillows won't work... Hope your feeling better soon.....
Thanks Clamdigger. I plan on raising my bed next step
I've been wondering if Apple cider would work. Do you think it makes a difference?
Want to get of toxic meds so looking for an escape plan
Thanks for your tips
I have heard it does .. Asthma medications can give you acid reflux and the gases go up then settles into your lungs... That is what a throat Dr told me.. So I work hard on not taking it.. Yesterday my mucus came up hard .. I had eight cups of my drink termuric and take in hot spices put it in my food.. and do this before taking my emergency puffer.. My mucas thin out by the end of the day....My throat and voice is getting better.. Some times its the drugs we take for one problem causes another. and adds to the problem... MD don't have time to figure out all the probles with the meds they hand out.....
Which meds were you given, if you don't mind saying?
(I have written about my probs below, and perhaps I have missed out on something).
i have had this problem for 7 years, and out of sheer frustration and desolation have eventually made an apt with the top gastroenterologist in the country - privately as cannot get any further referrals, and the respiratory med doc insisted I continue with the asthma inhaler - when I do not have asthma!!. I am hoping she can switch me over to the NHS for the investigations required. I have had 2 endoscopies, plus a barium swallow which revealed a small hiatus hernia, but the medical staff said that the secretions (phlegm) came from my lungs?! I need to clear my throat ongoing all day long - don't cough that often, but it is the horrible clearing of my throat in order to breathe, which invariably attracts adverse comments. I have lost my voice a few times also over the years, and have now been diagnosed with LPR by an ENT consultant (silent reflux), which is more a problem in the Upper Oesophageal Sphincter being "lax" - but the antacids he prescribed (PPI, gaviscon and ranitidine) have not helped in the least.
Thus far I have tried all the diets - and perhaps some do help a bit, but they are SO difficult to adhere strictly! I hope I will not have to have an operation and that the Prof I shall be seeing soon will be able to advise what to do! Will update you in September. I think this reflux problem decreased a bit when I lost about 2 stone! So losing wt might help, but is by no means a cure. However, it is difficult to keep the weight down if one is feeling depressed as well. Good luck all - and let's hope there is something that will help. Strangely enough my partner said he thought it might be an allergy - so I will enquire about this when I attend the private aptmt at the end of the month.
Thanks for the new suggestions, like drinking apple cider and water a.m. is of help - I shall give that a try, plus the licorice.
The throat Dr told me that it was the asthma medication I was taking causes my acid reflux then told me the gases go up settle down in your lungs.. MD never told me that or asthma clinic.. My voice is gone from acid reflux and swollen... since I have been doing this with turmeric and honey ginger and dont' take my emergency at first signs of problems . Yesterday I cough up a hard piece of mucus I drank eight cups ... If I crab for my emergency puffer my acid reflux acts up. Plus I notice after I take my maintenance puffer in the morning my acid reflux bothers me.or I lose my voice.... .. some times the medications like prednisone and steroids and puffers are causing the problem.. . After every time you take your puffer try this ... 1/8 turmeric ... slice of ginger ... honey.... .. leave the ginger in the cup with a little left over hot water then add more honey and turmeric ... ..
Omg I suffered this for months, every night and thought it was my lungs. Had to sleep propped up.I ended up sucking rennies in bed, despite being on gerd meds.In my case it only resolved when I stopped having normal milk. Now have lactose free milk. I know I’m in for it tonight as I’ve been out and caved in, had a latte!!
Wow thanks for your comments nd suggestions everyone. Nice to know we are not alone.
The meds I take once a day for gerd are omeprazole. Then I take an allergy med they prescribed called flexi 180 and then a nose spay at night to help with post nasal drip called mometasone. If I laugh I cough and there often feels like a stinging cold air sensation if I breathe deeply. I sit up about 45 degrees every night which helps but I slip down and then cough again. I've noticed last few nights after eating peanuts my throat closes up a bit and then I eat a tablespoon of fresh grated ginger which brings it down. I've read it's possible to develop nut and any other allergies later in life so i might steer away from peanuts for a bit. I'm always clearing my throat as I feel theres something stuck in it which as most of you can relate to, is embarrassing.
I've read about elevating bed and so will do so. I've cut way down on milk -just a tiny bit in my coffee and try not to eat 2 to 3 hours before bed.
I just ordered a product called reflux away which has great reviews so that's my next step as I want to wean off this gastro med.
Tired or being tired, but determined to keep fighting for a solution.
Long term use of PPI's is not to be recommended. I unfortunately took them for years and it's now proven one of the many side effects is loss of bone mass, i.e. Osteoporosis. Slippery Elm appears to be effective for many people with GERD etc. I also agree about raising the bed 6 inches, it does work.
I take Optibac Immunity probiotics every day and the difference for me is amazing and productive cough nowhere like before. However, they are not cheap and takes a few weeks to kick in.
i cant agree with the above statement,i have a small hiatus hernia and barrett's esophagus,i take a lifetime dose of Omeprazole admittedly only 20mg daily but without it the silent reflux would cause havoc and i would probably end up with esophageal cancer so i would take advice from your gastro consultant before replacing it with an alternative product.
regards Ski's and Scruffy x