These posts are very helpful to me. I was diagnosed with COPD last year. Would like some help to stop smoking due to depression as well i have smoked a long time. Thankyou for your posts love the Kevin i love you thing it relates susan
COPD: These posts are very helpful to... - Lung Conditions C...

I have asthma and am a smoker, the two things that have helped me reduce are Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and a Hypnotherapy CD. The only reason I have not done better is that I do not really want to give up!!! Took some admitting to this. CBT was expensive, as the waiting list for the NHS is long, but it helped me with more than this issue. I wish you all the best.
I believe there is a stop smoking site on Health Unlocked. It should help to talk with others about the difficulty in giving up. Good luck, Sheila x
Thankyou where is it how do i find it sue
Best thing I can do is ask stone-UK on your behalf 'cos he's the fount of all knowledge on here. So stone can you please help ? Sheila x
See link. To find other sites on here click on my hub at the top, click on view my posts, then browse other communities comes up. Click that and type in the search box what you are looking for. x
Why hypercat 54 a little odd
Sorry? Don't understand your comment.
Just the silly name
No, 55 would be odd, 54 is even

Very funny bit like me
The vast majority of us know how to navigate the site so ask any of us. If more technical then stone is great. x
Ooh I stand corrected. I've been here six years and can still forget things so I'm not one of the vast majority. Stone is a good bet in all things not only technical ,but I do remember now you talking about giving up the dreaded weed Sheila xx
Ha ha you certainly do so stand in line and hold out your hand you naughty girl
I have given up the evil weed and it's been nearly a year now. Omg can't believe it's been so long. Still getting cravings though x
Hate to tell you but I've been off them a few years now and there are times when I could murder one ! It's strange though that I don't smoke in my dreams and I didn't when I was a smoker..I do drive a car in my dreams which is odd as I don't drive. As this rambling has absolutely nothing to with anything I'll shut up for now. Sheila x
Oh thanks Sheila I feel so much better now!
I have been having lots of dreams of living at home with my family again even though I haven't for more years than I can count. My poor mother is doing all the work and I feel guilty and occasionally clean the kitchen 'for her' but never seem to finish it as it expands forever. Very strange. x
Have you seen your GP for happy pills? COPD and depression go hand-in-hand. Try patches: they did the trick for me and my husband. Then buy carrots to chop up and chew.
You should have a clinic at your hospital which will help.
My GP (not very PC) told me, "Stop, or you're dead in six months". I found that was encouraging, too.
The bottom line, though -- however many times you fall off the waggon -- is that you have to stop smoking if you want to slow down the progress of this rotten, unseen disease.
You could try an e-cig which has worked for many of us when all else failed. Just a thought.