Diagnosis for mild copd?: Hi all, Just... - Lung Conditions C...

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Diagnosis for mild copd?

Standing1 profile image
31 Replies

Hi all,

Just had a spirometry test and the results were:

FEV1/Fvc ratio 66%

Fev 1 89%

Fvc 114%

I am 37 yrs old and have smoked for 22 years.

Doctor said he’s not to concerned and wants me to do test again in 3 weeks just wondered how these results compared to some of yours for mild copd. I believe the only reason my FEV1 is high is because it’s compared to predicted lungcapacity and mine is at 114% bringing down FEV1/fvc result?

I have been worried since Friday think it’s making me worse.

Thank you all.

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Standing1 profile image
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31 Replies

If you are breathing ok, and none as yet prescribed meds, I would go along with in your doctor (not too worried). Good you are being re tested in 3 weeks.

What made you go for a spirometry test? Do you already have asthma?

Did you ask for a copy of the print out? You need a full copy for calculation accuracy.

fvc 114% is excellent and Fev1 at 89% is also. Not sure how the 66% ratio was reached on just the fvc and fev1.

If you smoke stopping would be a good choice.

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to

Thanks for the reply Bkin,

I did have asthma as a kid but I recently started feeling short of breath doing very little

Or sometimes just reading the kids stories. So got checked out in work they do a yearly spirometry and they referred me to the doctors because of the results.

I have recently quit smoking again 3 weeks ago (I’m wondering if this could affect results), but have only smoked on and off for the last 7 years really.

Doctor booked me in to have it redone then try some sort of inhaler I think and repeat 15 mins later to see if it improves. He didn’t actually say I have copd but I’ve been reading up about it and most say a FEV1/fvc result of less than 70% means an obstruction. I do have a full print out but I thought they were the main results. I have 4 kids and have been extremely worried since test and this seemed to be a really useful site for good advise.

I thought the FEV1/fvc was the percentage of actual lung capacity (fvc) forced out in 1 sec and FEV1 was percentage of predicted long capacity and as my actual was more than my predicted FEV1 was better??? Bit not sure.

Thanks again for your reply.

in reply to Standing1

I can understand how you would be worried with young children an all. The other thing to ask is to have the alpha1 blood test. Try not to worry it may not be either or if you are lucky it is very mild. Do come back and let us know how you get on, in the mean time try not to worry, keep an open mind until actual results. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

With your full spirometry test results, you can do a calculation here:


If someone else in your family has copd / alpha 1 you should be tested (alpha1 is hereditary so your doctor may not test for this if no one in your family has been diagnosed with a lung condition previously) blf.org.uk/support-for-you/...

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to

Thanks for reply Bkin

Used the calculator and it says it’s low, consider copd.

How severe is your copd Bkin and how long ago were you diagnosed if you don’t mind me asking?

in reply to Standing1

My COPD just on spirometry alone currently says I don't have COPD (spirometry results tend to fluctuate) My gas exchange measurement on CT scan is 52%. My last full lung function test showed I was moderate to severe. I have been diagnosed over 12 years and not planning a passover any time soon :D

Hi Standing! You sound a bit like me! I'll reply with a longer answer when I get the chance... In the meantime stay positive and relax. Stressful times but life goes on. xxx

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to

Thanks Atichokes

powderpuff profile image

Hi Standing, Ive fairly recently been dx’d with stage 1, mild COPD with similar Spirometry results to yours. Also a smoker until discharged from hospital last November.

Standing1 profile image

Thank you all for your replies and kind words. After reading some posts and looking at my results more carefully because I have a

FEF 25-75 reading of 43% looks like I have a small airways obstruction. Which has. Caused my capacity to increase giving me a falsely high FEV1 % (89%) all points towards some sort of copd even tho doctor convinced me it was not and to repeat the test and will probably show asthma, guess he was trying to prevent me from worrying for next 3 weeks fingers crossed he’s right but with a FEV1/fvc 65% and fef 25-75 43% does look like a copd hopefully being 37 years old I can keep it mild for some time. Thanks again for your replies.

Lemon7 profile image

Sorry to reply so late but was watching spurs game (Not team I support, but good game). Will message more at better time. Your spirometry is like mine. Good folk on here have reassured me after my recent diagnosis, mild copd. Best wishes for now, try not to worry too much.

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to Lemon7

Thanks Lemon 7 will try not to worry too much finding it difficult at the moment talking to you guys is helping.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi the most important figure is your FEV1. At my surgery anything over 80% is classed a normal, though others say it is 90%. Even then you are just in the range and your copd is very mild. With care you should stll be able to live a long and healthy life. x

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you Hypercat54

Abbo1621 profile image

Hi I was diagnosed about 8 years ago am now 62 I am level 3, but as an individual I believe positive attitude is best. I walk and kayak on a regular basis and try to keep active as much as possible. It is easy for me to say this as both wife and one of my daughters are nurses. I do use a treadmill at home as well. So try not to worry and be careful of doctor Google can be frightening if you don't fully understand what it's saying or meaning all the best and try not to worry

Lemon7 profile image

Hi Standing1, as you may know I am just recently diagnosed mild copd. I was diagnosed on spirometry reading, haven't had CT scan. I am 63 years old, ex smoker, gave up smoking at age 44. In winter cold air gave me bronchospasm and I knew something was wrong, sent for spirometry and got diagnosis. Before that I thought mild breathlessness on exertion was old age. It was a shock, worrying, to think I would worsen rapidly but folk on here reassured me most people progress slowly (Hope so). I have tiotropium inhaler daily. I don't have cough or mucus so dr thinks emphysema. My mum and her sister have both had that. Recently found out copd is in my dad's side of family too, although not inherited I think it's a risk factor in this disease. You are young and could get test for alpha1 trypsin enzyme (Think that's right).

Martinack59 profile image

I was pretty similar to you overall 67% total should be 70% fev1was 89 , had pulmonary check again this year no real change except the specialist think it might be a bit of allergic asthma gave me brown inhaler and the cough had more or less vanished overnight, I’ve not had a fag and I smoked 5 a week when I went out since last June plus I go gym run treadmill for ages fast I’m 59 walk the dog for hours never out of breath so keep off cigs get excersise and you’ll be an old man with mild copd

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to Martinack59

Thank you Martinack59 very reassuring words how old was you when you had first spirometry that showed signs of copd if you dont mind me asking?

I am checked every year in work last year I was borderline and am dissapointed they didnt advise me better I would of kicked the smoking a year earlier.

Martinack59 profile image
Martinack59 in reply to Standing1

I was checked every year at work too they said a slight dip but nothing much I think they are not told to say anything else, my diagnosis came after a persistent cough 14 months ago aged 58 plus the guidelines changed I was told my 67% a few years ago would have been ok

Lemon7 profile image

Hi again, the advice i have been given includes stopping smoking most important to do. Avoid pollution, smoke, air fresheners, harsh chemical cleaners, incense burning, anything that triggers irritation to breathing. Get flu vaccine yearly, one off pneumonia jab. Avoid people with colds, infections. Hand washing or using hand gel when out and about to protect against infections. Taking regular exercise, they say if you don't use it you lose it, so keep fit. Eat healthily, five a day fruit and veg to boost immune system. Keep weight within normal bmi (NHS website tells you correct for you) less strain on heart and lungs if normal weight. Very important to see dr immediately if you think you have chest infection (more cough, yellow or green mucus, fever, worse breathlessness etc). Infections can worsen lung conditions.

Lemon7 profile image

Lastly my spirometry was Fev1 121% of predicted (That's breath exhaled during 1st second) FVC 156% of predicted (Think it is total amount exhaled) the fev1/FVC ratio is the previous figures divided by one another I believe. The fev1/FVC ratio is copd if below 70. Mine is 65 so therefore a copd diagnosis and because fev1 is higher than 80 it is mild. I think that's correct but someone on this site will correct if wrong. My FEF25-75 is only 39% so as you already mentioned believe it indicates small airways problem. During spirometry I was given bronchodilator and there was no difference to test results, no improvement which I believe shows not asthma because no reversibilty. I have never had asthma previously. My dr thinks it's because I was active for my age that my % results are high because no hyperinflated lungs sign on chest x-ray (it showed normal findings). I believe only a CT scan can fully show what is going on with lungs. I am just starting pulmonary rehab course, I was refused it initially by my surgery but pushed to go on it so I could learn as much as I can to help myself. The respiratory nurse on the course told me she believes it should be for all copd patients, whatever stage they are, to help them. I hope you are not too worried, it is a shock and scary to think you have a chronic illness. Stay on this site because lovely people here will reassure and educate you if it is definitely copd you have. In the meantime, take care, best wishes to you and let us know how things go.

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to Lemon7

Thank you Lemon7, I am about the right weight and active with four kids as you can probally imagine. And is also hard to avoid sickness with four kids, but thank you so much for advise, i'm still crossing my fingers that next spirometry in 3 weeks will give me better results and maybe asthma is playing a part as I did have asthma as a young adult.

Thanks Again

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Lemon7

Cor hark at you Lemon! It seems only yesterday you came in very worried and I am so glad you took the great advice you were given and can now reassure another new member. All power to your elbow (or lungs!). :) xx

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to hypercat54

Hi hypercat, I have had lots of good advice on this site. I was in shock when first diagnosed because I gave up smoking many years ago and had a healthy, active lifestyle. Damage done years ago when smoking tho. Best thing I ever did giving up. Wouldn't touch a cigarette with a barge pole now. I stay on the site even though mild because it is good. Keep posting song titles quiz, keep well hypercat. Thanks again everyoneon this site for good advice.

Rasdta profile image

Don't let doctor google into your life, where did you come up with mild COPD? I had a nasty lung infection that was difficult to diagnose, 4 months of coughing and wheezing, the hell. It wasn't reacting to anything. I heard it all, copd, asthma, tuberculosis, lung tumor. One by one each diagnosis was ruled out. Takes time, many trips to many doctors. Lets face it the majority of people are just plain out of shape. My Lufu (short for Lungenfunktionstest) was very strange when I had bronchitis. 2 months later the next Lufu was back to normal, similar to yours. Lungs can be trained like any other muscle. A lung trainer is a small device that restricts inhalation and makes your lungs work harder to get air. Use it twice a day, 30 inhalations each time, and increase the difficulty level when the lowest setting doesn't strain. I got the Powerbreathe because it had the best reviews. I was shocked the first time I started using it and I go to the gym 3 times a week and never smoked a day in my life. I am 56, not 37. I do not work for Powerbreathe, I just don't like taking medicine is all and rather ride my bike, exercise, to keep my pudge at normal levels.

De Wayne

Berlin Germany

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to Rasdta

Thank you Rasdta your right Dr Google has made things worse for me this week just want to find answers, my Dr/GP said he did not think it was COPD and hopefully the retest in a 3 weeks will show improvement. Only thing that concerns me is my chest is clear and I dont really have a bad chest or caugh, just short of breath caughing up occasional clear mucus, so dont know how LUFU can improve but hopefuully it will shock me. Have you been diagnosed with COPD Rasdta?

Thank you again

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Standing1

At least you didn't come in asking if it is true you only have 5 years! Some new members see this on google and come in frantic with worry. We all reassure them but beware of Dr Google. You can go from a mild headache to dead in 3 clicks! :O

Standing1 profile image

Thank you,

I guarantee I will never touch another fag this is a massive wake up call just feel stupid for not giving up sooner.

stamford1234 profile image

That's not too bad at all. Don't smoke, do some exercise and eat well. Gosh, I wish I had those results

Standing1 profile image
Standing1 in reply to stamford1234

Thanks Stamford just hope I can keep it stable being only 37 you know.

I have noticed a change over last few months but hasnt really stopped me doing anything so if I can maintain that for the nxt 15 - 20 years I will be a happy Man.

Thanks Again

stamford1234 profile image

You have your age on your side. I hear it is possible to keep it in check. Try not to let the depression or anxiety creep up on you and avoid Dr. Google

christina1947 profile image

Hi standing 1sometimes something comes to jolt you into changing your life style like keeping well away from any smoke maybe more exercise I am a lot older than you but I had exactly the same thing 2 years ago and did some changes. Now i am fine don’t even think about copd much at the time of my spirometry the nurse said get your fitness levels up and come back in 6 months and to be honest I never went back because I did all the things the lovely people on this site blogg like taking supplements (nak) less dairy. You will be fine just look after your lungs I abused mine for years and years and years but they still healed themself somewhat and at 72 still run for the bus every other day and go spinning twice a week walk into Chester 1 mile each way most days. Take care xxx

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