Well just had Spiro done again today😥 and a little shocking.
3rd December 2015 were the previous ones
FVC 89.5% of predicted
FEV1 83.8% of predicted
FEV1 % VC Max 90.5% of predicted
Today the titles are different so trying to work it out but I think they are
FVC 71% of predicted
FEV1 73% of predicted
FEV1/FVC 77.7%
So if I am reading this right I am down about 13% on my FEV1/FVC really did not think it was that bad.
Still my doctor had not seen the original ones and said considering I smoked for so long the resulrs were not bad. Mind you the report said "due to low respiratory effort obstruction may be masked"
There are some strange number for predicted but I will see if I can find a document to let me understand them a bit more. They also added 2inches to my height as well so that may make a difference 🤣
Oh well I think I will try again in a few weeks after I get rid of the cough and continual mucus production causing it😊.