Regarding information on How Many Alzheimer’s Dementia Suffers Have Been Diagnosed Treated For Asbestos Mesothelioma.
NHS Digital Have Refused My FOI Request saying information I requested can be found else where.
Yet NHS Digital advise point me to bespoke NHS Digital Search Engine where they ask me to commission bespoke search.
Now NHS Digital bespoke search is for health professionals and professional researchers neither of I am.
Given nature of my request and distinct lack of information and vulnerability of Alzheimer’s Dementia patients and obvious distinct lack of information when it comes to them suffering or being treated for asbestos related condition mesothelioma.
There should be information held as part of hospital NHS national safeguarding prescribing policy.
There are 600.000 Alzheimer’s Dementia suffers in the UK.
And not one as ever been exposed to asbestos or developed mesothelioma.
Well apart from my dad.
Clearly numbers don’t add up AND that’s why I think NHS Digital as the information but dose not want to disclose.
The lack of Asbestos Mesothelioma recognition when it comes to Alzheimer’s Dementia suffers one could say is causing them harm and is discriminatory.
I hope you can help me get to the bottom of where are all these Alzheimer’s Dementia asbestosis mesothelioma suffers as the numbers just don’t add up.