Well today my dads loaded up with antibiotics DOCTORs said my dads condition is threw not eating BUT I think the lying trying to cover up the lack of due diligence WHEN it comes
To recognising SEPSIS in DEMENTIA ALZHEIMER patient.
Hospital MUST think I am daft WHEN I talked about suspecting UTI SEPSIS in my DAD ... Well TODAY they starting treating it with drips and antibiotics.
Doctors said O as anyone said what's up with your dad WELL no the have not BUT this evening dad perked up and was eating AFTER being treated for sepsis I.e antibiotics and 2 drips
Lying doctors need to spot sepsis signs better in DEMENTIA ALZHEIMER patients especially AS they told me o it's not sepsis OTHER day.
DOCTORS called SEPSIS + SHOCK Acute kidney injury and pneumonia.
Needless to say I expressed my concerns AND requesting proactive monitoring treatment for my father and he's sepsis.
I just hope they have not acted to late given mini seizures as I will find it hard to forgive.