I had a dreadful night last night, chest kept tightening i was breathless, so uncomfortable couldnt sleep. I’ve been taking spiriva for about a month but dont seem any better, and its difficult to stay calm so then my pulse races. I used my ventolin inhaler every hour which only helped a little. I thought being on spiriva would have helped now. I am very fed up and havent felt good since an exacerbation in late december into january. I want to get on with daily things but find it very difficult at the mo. I think i’ll phone my doctor and ask for advice. I
Disturbed night: I had a dreadful night... - Lung Conditions C...
Disturbed night
Sorry you are not doing so well sheepdog and a good idea to contact your doctor.
Feel better soon xxxx
Thank you.
Yes I think a talk with your doctor is best.....he may change your meds or perhaps give you a tonic..... never hurts to talk.
Hope you feel better soon.
Peg xxx
Thank you.
Hello. Spiriva is most for people that smokes or have copd said my current doctor. My previous doctor gave me spiriva to try for asthma but it went very bad. I had tightened breast, like an elephant was sitting on me. Another side effect was supra ventricular tachycardia that lasted more than 4 months even when I did not take the medicine anymore. I advice you to ask for another medicine.
Look at fda.org to get more information about spiriva.
I’m now under fluticasone propionate or know as flixotide 500mcg Discus. Is the best medicine for prevention of asthma or copd. No side effects at all.
Ventoline gives a lot of relief but also causes tachycardia.
I know also that pulmocort ( budesonide) is very safe.
I had Seretide as well but this also causes tachycardia.
I wish you a lot of success.
With kind greetings,
I was diagnosed with copd in 2007.
Do you think i’d be best not to have spiriva? I am on prednisolone now for 5 days.

Dear Sheepdog,I think that spiriva isn’t safe at all. Is good that you are now on another medicine. In my opinion Would be best to ask a second opinion. After I had been using different asthma medicines I found out which one was the safest for me. I had foster 100 and I had tachycardia as well.
If you need your ventolin to much that means that the Medicine isn’t working for you. ( Doctor ‘s words )
Do a research online about safest corticosteroids and ask a second opinion.
All the best for you.
Is it safe though to just stop spiriva?


You have to ask your doctor first of course. Don’t stop without asking your doctor.
I did stop spiriva because of the terrible tachycardia.
For everyone is different. For me did not work.
Hi Sheepdog,
I don't know if it helps, but I've been where you are, and if you're like me, it will be panc that causes you to suck on the Ventolin so much. My doc told me to first control the panic by
believing that the breathlessness, although horrible, is not dangerous in itself.
Also, using that much Ventolin is not good for you and will lose it's effectiveness over time if used so much.
If it's mucus that's causing the chest tightness and breathlessness I'd strongly recommend
n acetylcysteine. I asked my doctor to give it to me, and I've gotten rid of almost all mucus related problems.
Hope this will help a little. Best wishes
Thank you for your helpful reply, i was worried about using ventolin so often, even though the doctor said to use when necessary. Its just so frightening and debilitating when your chests so tight.
Spiriva and Advair in the PM has work wonders for me - I have been using this combo for my COPD for years and has kept my breathing in check in fact every year I do a bit better on my annual breathing test
Thank you for replying.
Like other people have said it easy to panic and that does not help my surgery has change using spriva and I now us Braltus which is half the cost of spriva and I find this is as good for me I do suffer with copd.i also cough first thing in the morning quite a lot.i do think you need to check with your doctor yo may need a short coarse of steroids.
Thank you, yes, i am on prednisolone for 5 days.
I was prescribed Spiriva for my asthma along with Seretide and they did nothing for me. Breathlessness causes panic and it's a dreadful feeling I know I've had it happen to me however my doctor changed my prescription to Fostair and I've been amazing on this inhaler you should see your doctor again and explain how you're feeling. My sister was also prescribed this combination and it didn't work for her either so her gp also changed her prescription to Fostair and it's working well for her too. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you.
I used Spiriva for 6 months then dumped it as i felt it wasnt doing any good....it wasnt.
I might speak to my doctor about it. I think something different would be good idea.
Hello Hidden .
I'm sorry you had a bad night. Having not enough sleep makes everything 100 times worse. I think it's really case by case. Ventolin did nothing for me but Spiriva seems to help. If you've been in it for a month with no improvement, then it's probably time to talk with your doctor and change inhalers.
Hang in there, I know it's tough when you're extra tired.
Cas xx 🌷
Thank you for kind reply.