I have a small tumour in my left lung after having been diagnosed with peuniomia I was given antibiotics feeling fine now ,told that it could be result of infection I now have to go for a bronchopsy biopsy..I am feeling better now than I have in a long time since I gave up smoking. getting worried now..
Worried about biopsy results - Lung Conditions C...
Worried about biopsy results

To worry is natural but stay positive.
God bless
Congratulations on giving up smoking. There is not much point in saying don't worry, because you will. Try to stay positive. If they had thought there was something bad they would have soon had you in the hospital to be tested.
Hello Cullis .
It really is nerve wracking these tests, but please know that not all tumours are cancerous. Like your doctor said, it could be from an infection. Congratulations on giving up smoking! 👏 Please take it easy, a day at a time. Do let us know how it goes if you'd like to.
Sending warm wishes.
Cas xx 🌻
I have to go for my broncosc opy on Wednesday. I'm terrified, I'm still breathless and have a hacking cough after 7 weeks. Also have shoulder and head pain. I gave up smoking shortly after this illness started, but haven't felt right since.
Can anyone who's had a broncoscopy tell me what it's like?

Hi I've to go for broncoscopy tomorrow I had pneumonia ..I will let you know how I get on good luck...x
I had my broncopsy today wasn't to bad just a bit uncomfortable..they did not give me any results though .I have to get C T scan on Monday . Then i will get results a week later waiting I the hard part..I hope it's good news c..
Hello cullis;
I too had my broncoscopy yesterday, and today I've had another ct scan, this time on my head. The biopsy was the worst, and I couldn't help but cough all the way through it even with the sedation, and extra anaesthesia in my neck. However the doctor still was able to take several samples, although it's been somewhat uncomfortable subsequently. I'm just so worried about getting the results next week. The chest doctor had virtually said to expect the worst. This didn't help, so I'd love to hear from anyone who can help?
Hi sorry to hear that your broncosopy was so hard for you I wish that I could say something to help you feel better. But until you get full results you should try and not worry so much and remember it is amazing what medicine can do nowadays..that is what's keeping me going until I hear about my results..I will keep you posted..ps what is your name as ladyclaraby take to long to type .lol take care ..x from John
Well I had my pet scan I have to see about the results on Friday.. it's going to be a long week fingers crossed.
I had the broncoscopy, then the follow up appointment, to be told I have stage 4 lung cancer. I felt I was going to melt into the seat and disappear through a non existent hole in the ground. Or at least I wanted to.