just diagnosed with emphysema at 27 does this desease continue to develop or can it stop where its as long as i dont smoke im very concerned with dieing i was told it was the early stages
worried about living: just diagnosed... - Lung Conditions C...
worried about living
Hi sorry to hear your worried but is worse things like falling of a cliff or getting run over by a bus.
Luckly i stay clear cliffs and keep me eye out for buses BUT never seen lung disease coming.
But yer this loads can do to slow down or even halt if lucky.
You dont have to be lucky just have to help your self.
Eat or try eat healthy and maintain good bit flab and protein.
Dont smoke and try stay clear ofrank dusty environments and regular excersices stretching but not to excess.
Hope that helps and you start feeling positive.
thank you
I am amazed you have been diagnosed at such a young age but think yourself lucky. When emphysema (COPD) is recognised early you can stop smoking, avoid smoky atmospheres, eat sensibly and take enough exercise and this way any progress will be slowed down. You will probably die of something else entirely!
Hi Kelly, have you had an alpha-1-antitrypsin test? This tests for an enzyme defiency which causes copd, and often in much younger people than us oldies!
There are members here who have A1A copd who may be able to advise you if this is what yours is. Whether it is or not, Toci's advice is crucial - good diet, lots of exercise should keep progression to a minimum. Good luck
You are very young and i agree with Toci and 02trees that perhaps some further investigation is needed ...Have you seen a consultant because if you havnt i would get a referral for some tests and a scan if possible
Having said that carry on with life just like a 27 year old should and get out with your friends and have fun...........Stay off the cigarettes if your a smoker it will make it worse and stay away from any smoky or dusty places etc,,,,,, be careful using things like hair lacquer and aerosols etc anything that could make you cough is no good ,,,,,Eat well and take any meds that you may be given...
Hi I agree with O2. It is very rare for someone to be diagnosed with copd umbrella term for bogh emphysema and chronic bronchitis) at your age, especially if you have never smoked. You need to tell your doctor to test you for Alpha1 deficiency which is genetic. This is usually the cause at your age. It is only a simple blood test. Have you had or do you have close family members who suffer from it?
Having said that as others have said even if it is genetic it is far from a death sentence and with care you will reach a ripe old age. x
Agree with the advice already given. Take your meds (if you get any) maintain/obtain healthy BMI, excercise, avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution. And above all, stay positive.
Curious to hear more about the outcome of further tests, which I really think you should get, as I too have been diagnosed with emphysema at a young age (33) and am a non-smoker.
Feel free to PM me.
thanks for everyones helpful advice im crying reading these responses you helped me dearly bless you all love you muah ill update as i go for my doc appointment
Hi Kelly, can't add much to what the others have said except to stay positive look after yourself physically and mentally and focus on doing the things you enjoy with the people you love. Take care. X
Answer to the first question -- yes, emphysema does continue to cause a decline in lung function. Follow up answer: stop smoking, keep out of smoky places, exercise, eat well -- you know, all the stuff we're all told to do! -- and you'll live to a ripe old age. Watch out for the 69 bus, though. My initial diagnosis was in 1988 and I'm still here... and I am an "Alpha-1", as well.
Hello Kelly! I was just told on Monday that my chest X-ray shows emphysema, I'm 38 with two little ones and very scared! I've yet to take my PFT to find out my lung function, I go on Wednesday the 9th. I feel like given our age and new diagnosis we could be great support for each other. I want to do everything I can to keep my lungs from getting worse and I'm researching holistic methods as well as taking the advice on this forum and of course most importantly working with a pulmonologist. If you'd like to keep in touch please let me know. We are not alone, even if it feels like it. Hugs and love to you!