My husband always comes with me to the eye clinic usually but Monday was a bitterly cold day and he was under the weather so I went alone. A suffer with CNVO ( central Retina Vein Occlusion) in my left eye, I've had this for the past two years now after many years with glaucoma. I had my normal injection in the eye because of built up fluid making my sight very blurry as usual. My eye afterwards was very sore but I was use to that so I New what to expect. But then I needed to use the toilet which is something I try to avoid but had no choice. Having very severe Emphaseama I get very breathless on just simple tasks and as I sat on the toilet being breathless I started to panic, and I lost control getting back into my wheelchair, dropped my glove into the toilet and handbag on the floor struggling to get to the door yelling for help. The doctor at the desk was there along with patients trying to help me. After I calmed down I apologised to everyone, but I was more concerned at the damage I had caused to the toilet door frames in my panic crashing around. To top it all the taxi arrived and his ramp to the cab was quite steep and I went back on two wheels trying to get into it. I am scared to go anywhere now because of breathlessness. I take my meds with me but because I panic they don't work so well. In future my husband says he comes with me. 🙂
PANIC IN THE EYE CLINIC: My husband... - Lung Conditions C...

Oh dear Stumpy that sounds so scary. It’s hard not to panic in that situation but at least you weren’t ignored. A good idea for your husband to go with you in the future.
Take care xxxxx
Oh dear....oh dear! Never mind luv it’s over and finished now. You are still the same person you were before this unlucky turn of events happened. Laugh 😂 it off and have another go, it will go better next time. Independence it worth fighting for.💪

Thankyou so much Don-Rhymer, I can laugh at it now but at the time I was scared to death. I was also worried afterwards about the damage I caused to their toilet, however I did say sorry. I really like your outlook, Don, and Thankyou for your support, it means a lot. Look after yourself ✋️😊
Hi stumpy, hope you are feeling a little better take care. Majt X 🌹

Hi there Majt, yes Thankyou a lot better, I blame myself for eating before going there, that way I wouldn't have used their loo. Still we live and learn don't we? Take care of yourself ✋️😊
Hi yes we learn the hard way. 😊🙋 X
Oh dear what a nasty experience for you. I would love to hear the opticians trying to explain to their insurers what happened! x
Oh yes it would probably read something like "this regular affender came into the Clinic and seemed quite responsive, but then suddenly turned into this crazy loony tune and attacked our toilet" although she is thought dangerous, we are willing to give her a second chance" as she is willing to pay £1.50 per month. Lol. ✋️😊
That sounds like a total nightmare Stumpy and I wouldn't blame you if you felt like never leaving the house again. But you will when the memory recedes and you're feeling in a more organised frame of mind. Whether 'himself' being with you is a help or a hindrance, only you can decide
Thankyou for your support Billiejean-2, I feel exactly like you say, I don't like leaving my home with or without my husband and it's because I have such low energy levels and at home hubby is my full time career, when I go anywhere it's close to home. As I where trousers ,in my wheelchair, when I go into a toilet I have to balance on one leg and get my trousers down and by the time I stand up again and get my trousers back up and then sit back in my wheelchair I just can't breath properly so then the panic sets in. As you said it really is a nightmare Billie. My husband is amazing but can't come into a public loo with me. At home I don't have to wear trousers as I have a blanket over me. And in my loo I can leave door open. I'm so lucky to have all of you to talk with and all the support is amazing it really is. Thanks again Billiejean I hope you are keeping yourself well? ✋️😊
*HUG* What a nightmare stumpy . I am so sorry. 😢 I got panicky just reading your post. I'm glad though you are safe now. And yes, probably best that Mr. Stumpy go along with you next time. 😊😍
Poor you, what a miserable thing to happen. I hope you have completely recovered now! xx
What an awful experience. I hope the people there were helpful to you. Have a nice days rest today. Lilian xxxxxxx
Oh my goodness that sounds something like what happened to me when I went to the hospital for an MRI. I'm in a chair as well and went to the washroom and while in the washroom I could not get up from the toilet! The handicap toilet was lower to the ground than the one at my house . What a nightmare that was. Of course the security guard had to come in and hoist me up. Lesson learned go to the washroom before you leave the house. I do not particularly want any more humbling experiences like that one.
Hello Lindy-loo149, so yes you do understand so well don't you, and I think your experience was worse than mine as you could stand up from the toilet and having to get security in to help you how embarrassing for you, so sorry for your experience. What made it hard for me is balancing as I only have one leg and because of trying to pull up my trousers I ran out of breath. I think between us we make a right pair lol. Thankyou Lindy-loo nice to talk with you , take care of yourself ✋️😊
your welcome Stumpy--Better days ahead--It can be so awkward and alarming--I haven't had a car since this happened--a year ago--I plan on getting another one but almost scared--Mmet
Oh really that's a shame, but I can understand your reasons. Maybe given more time you'l get yourself another car, in your own time and there is no time limit. I don't panic about going into different toilets, I panic when I get breathless and then I try rushing and by this time I'm just a wreck. At home my husband helps me with all my needs bless him. But we have to move forwards and live each day as it comes along. ✋️😊
You are so lucky to have him--Im on my own so it gets pretty scarey but im surviving--Mmet
Yes I am very lucky Mmet, you are right there. We've been married over 21 years and I've been disabled 20 and Nothing worries him, he just gets on with it and never complains Bless him. I do have a lot of medical problems and he is my rock, but I needed to talk with people in the same situation as me, so here I am, so glad to be here. So Mmet, if ever you feel like a chat we are all here for you ok. ✋️😊
Ive been on here over 2 years--I started in Quit Support and quit a 53 year cigarette habit--then I got sick with emphysema and came here--Im also on Fibromyalgia site--Hope you are having a nice evening--Mmet
I'm glad you didn't quit the site Mmet, it's nice to meet you. I to have very severe Emphaseama and osteoporosis and Raynaulds disease, which caused me to lose my leg. Since being on this site l've
Discovered that there are a lot of people a lot worse than me and it's good to know how lucky you are in comparison , I hope you have a good day, good talking with you Mmet. ✋️😊
snap I suffer from reynaulds too feet and fingers are effected I'm on circulation pills amlopidine find they ears are effected too,gp once told me when your anxious it can make the reynaulds worse-I found he was you say you've got to live 4 the day,and be grateful.x

Yes I believe in one day at a time reiver, it's the only way forward. So now I have a Raynaulds Buddy lol, have to say I haven't heard of any one being affected with their ears before, that's a new one. I take nifedipine, for many years I was on Hexapal but then these tabs took over. Even though I lost my left leg because of the disease I still suffer with my hands and right foot. But I refuse to let it win. Nice talking with you buddy✋️😊
oh no it must have been a really horrible experience trapped in the loo and panicking ,hope your on the mend now,its good you can laugh about it lolx

Thanks a lot Reiver, yes it was horrible but I've moved on now. I have deffinately learnt by it. I hope you are keeping well. ✋️😊
thank you.i m feeling well today thanks for asking.

That's good reiver nice to know 👍
Can you ask another woman to come into toilet wait outside your door make sure everything is ok? Try sniffing Eucalyptus Oil it helps with breathlessness as it opens the airways God Bless XC
Thankyou for your advice Christabella153, that's a good idea about a friend standing outside but my problem is running out of energy getting on the toilet and then back onto my wheelchair and by this time I'm gasping for air and once I manage to manovre myself to the door I really panic. However I will try Eucalyptus oil Thankyou. Hope you are keeping yourself well. ✋️😊
Not too bad myself on Antibiotics/Steroids 1st time since before op early last Sept. If you could use the disabled toilet all the time 7 if you did not want a friend to help in toilet maybe your husband could help? XC
Hello Christabella153, do you have a chest infection as you mention being on steroids and antibiotics? I can only use the disabled toilets anyway and the trouble with them is the amount of room in them plus my electric wheelchair takes up a lot of space. And normally my husband is with me and waits outside the door so I don't need to lock it. Plus as soon as I come out he gets me outside the hospital as quickly as possible. It's a vicious circle really. Thankyou for your help and I hope you feel better soon. 🤞 ✋️😊
Went to doctor with other conditions who said i had not been to the Surgery in months I replied avoiding them as they usually put me on Steroids/Antibiotics. I went with other symptoms B/P very high tabs changed when in hospital Sept so could be that have my yearly load of b/ts for my Bowel Specialist 1st March seeing him 14th March, it was his b/ts that showed I had Tumour last year as white cell count low. Yes she gave me Steroids/Antibiotics & a repeat Rescue Script for emergencies. Glad your husband is with you in loos.
Hello Chritabella153, yes my husband will be with me each and every time I go to the hospital from now on. However, he stays outside the loo coz not enough room for me, elec chair and hubby but knowing he's there is comforting and normally he gets me straight outside for fresh air. Sounds strange I know but I can't breath properly when I come out the toilet. Sounds like things are not sorted out for you yet, and have you still got the tumour? Please keep Intouch and let us know how you get on christabella? Take care ✋️😊
No Tumour & 2 cysts on ovaries (both different) were removed Sept 11 Surgeon opened me up & Ovary was stuck to Bowel so they had to get another Surgeon to sort that out. My surgeon could only remove Tumour, 2 cysts, half an Ovary & my womb so hoping the other bits keep ok but everything was Benign so very lucky but was very ill after & living alone took longer to improve. Sitting around not helping my COPD so trying to move more want to start in back yard but too cold at the moment, thanks for replying/asking God Bless
Oh that's good, like you say a world of difference between tumour and cysts, I bet you are relieved. 🤞 hope all is well. Oh yes too cold to be working outside at the moment and apparently snow on Sunday so that's my wheelchair on a go slow lol. Have you got family to come and help you christabella? 😊