We had a lovely day yesterday - lunch with friends who are visiting from abroad and then on to see My Mum - yes we had eaten so my husband wasn't feeling too good when we got to my mums' but a cup of tea and a biscuit and we were back on our way home. Well it should have been that simple! The weather had turned and unfortunately you have to walk about 50 yards from her front door to the car in a bitter bitter wind. We had our 11 year old daughter with us - I went to bring the car as close as possible and my daughter and husband set off walking to the car. I noticed he was walking a bit quickly but thought nothing of it, jumped out of the drivers seat and gave my Mum a hug and dashed round to passengers side. The drivers seat was closest and my husband prefers to drive. What I had not realised is the impact of tiredness, the bitter wind, snow and cold. He was horrendously breathless and was just not coming round. He was upright and could indicate he needed his coat unzipping, his gloves off but was scarily breathless. I turned to my daughter, saw her face and realised her fear and told her she could back into Grans ( I thought we needed an ambulance) - With that my husband set off driving !! with the windows open and his head hung out! I was furious and shouted that he had to pull over. He did - jumped out of the car and stood holding the door frame for about 15 minutes whilst he slowly recovered. He did recover.
But a thought has occurred to me - this hasn't happened for over 3 years and the last time was the result of a bad infection. It is not just breathlessness it is also complete and utter panic- which I completely understand having had asthma since I was a child. Firstly for the last week he has been moaning about the pillows - it is the first sign that something is not quite right. Odd I know but thats the way it is! I had been ignoring because actually there is not much I can do. However when he was so breathless he couldnt take his inhalers properly - I think I got more ventolin than he did and the same with the symbicort so am going to talk to the doctors to get a spacer. If I had had a spacer and been able to give him the ventolin the whole episode may not have accelerated.
He recovered and we have had words about him driving off! His fear was hospital and he is terrified. But just to add to the confusion on the drive home about 40 mins. my daughter had another dizzy spell (been in hospital 3 days two weeks ago for her odd fainting spells with other symptoms) and fainted! But I really feel that was just the shock of seeing him so bad!
Just wondered if any of you suffer with episodes like these more regularly and what strategies you use to help. Thank you