Hi as some of you know from older posts I have Emphysmea doc said other week it is stage 3 . I seem to have a day were I can do most things all be it slow then the next day I am so worn out and tired all I want to do is stay in bed or on sofa in pjs . Is thus normal . Thanks in advance
Tired: Hi as some of you know from... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello Lyn1955 .
I don't have the same condition as you do, but yes, I can relate. There are days when all I can do is just lay down. Fatigue at it's worst rules my life. 😐 I've tried to fight it in the past, but find the best thing is to test until it loosens it's evil grip. 😖
Sending a gentle hug.
Cas xx 🌹
I am not sure if it is normal but don't think it is that unusual either. Some days can certainly do more that others and yes there are definitely days I don't do much of anything and spend the majority of the day on the couch. Everyone seems to be different as to what they can tolerate or what plays them out,
That's me too Lyn, kept falling asleep every time I ate anything on Thursday and full of aches and pains. Got up 2 hours later than usual yesterday and managed a big grocery shop while my husband had a clinic appointment. It gave me such a good feeling, hope I feel as good today and you too.
Hi Lyn
Unfortunately fatigue is part and parcel of lung disease or any chronic disease for that matter..
First I would get a good check-up to make sure there is no underlying infection, your treatment is up to standards and your oxygen levels are dealt with. Then if you are in the clear, I would recommend pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory physiotherapy. I know I repeat myself on this forum but there are ways of improving your health which are not always suggested by our medical teams but are on offer.
Take good care Lyn xx
Fran 💐

Fthank you for the reply .x
Thank you all for your replays