Have a family friend 83 years age wheezy with normsl oxygen sat 97%RA how does that happen or am i missing something does have dx emphysema and uses a rescue inhaler
Kim b town
Have a family friend 83 years age wheezy with normsl oxygen sat 97%RA how does that happen or am i missing something does have dx emphysema and uses a rescue inhaler
Kim b town
Hello Kricks1854 . Many people with emphysema/COPD never need to use supplemental oxygen because their sats stay high. This does not mean they will not feel breathless because being short of breath is very different to being short of oxygen.
The wheeze you describe happens because the 'tubes' (broncheoles) the air travels through in your friends lungs are narrowed( the inhaler they are prescribed should address this). Oxygen exchange happens in the sacks or aveoli deeper in the lungs. If the rescue inhaler is not receiving the symptoms maybe your friend should speak to their GP and see if their needs to be anything else done. Hope they are comfortable soon.
Its already been said. at 71 with emphysema and severe COPD I too have high Oxy levels but often short of breath. I am on constant steroids which are supposed to ease it. Breathing exercises and maintaining what exercise I am able to do is all I can recommend in addition to what has already been said by the others on this site.
Hi i am the same you may find you breath alot more than other people. I have often been told my breathing rate is fast. Are bodys are very good at compensating and will keep are oxagen levels high (normal) even when we are realy struggling to breath. Unfortunately if you have an exasberation this can change very quickly so try and keep an eye on your oxagen levels
I'M 77 but like Hallentine 47 my sats are always in the middle 90s