Anybody take turmeric in a capsule or tea for copd. If so what benefits have you gained from it if any x
Turmeric : Anybody take turmeric in a... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes, but I wouldn't touch capsules or tea. I take 5 grams organic turmeric daily in my porridge as it needs black pepper and some kind of fat/oil to be absorbable and Asian people tell me it needs to be cooked, hence having it in my porridge along with the black pepper and some coconut oil. They did a test on Trust Me Im a Doctor, three groups, one taking capsules, one something I can't remember and the third using it in cooking. This was the only group which registered any change.
I started taking it three years ago, along with Vitamin D3 and other supplements after a serious bout of pneumonia. I have been pretty well since then - no serious chest infections, just a relatively minor one a couple of months ago. Pretty good over three years (Im stage 3/4 and have copd, bronchiectasis and asthma).
They’ve just completed a three year study in Japan that showed that curcumin with good bioavailability repairs epithelial cells and membranes, and reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.They are suggesting it as a treatment for those who cannot exercise or who are not as mobile.I have some lovely Asian neighbours who have educated me on its uses as well as other plants, herbs and spices.I am stage 3 and also suffer from colitis and proctitis and find that after around three months of taking the capsules the symptoms have improved.The organic curcumin capsules are already heat treated during processing and it’s mainly the curcumin itself rather than turmeric that helps with the inflammation.Turmeric has a very low bioavailability and is not readily absorbed into the body without bioperine(extract of black pepper.)It has also been found to repair some damage caused by oral steroids and reduce resistance to steroids from building up.Hope this information is helpful.

Yes, Im sure people will appreciate this Sjm. Im especially interested in the part about turmeric/curcumin helping counter steroid damage. Im also stage 3, approaching stage 4. Thanks for your post
Raw ginger and lemon taken daily after being boiled for 3 mins is known to open airways and clean out lungs as well as other organs especially if taken for a month daily.It has to be boiled as this changes the chemical make up of the ginger making a powerful antioxidant.The flavonoids in this compound have been shown to shut of the genes that cause inflammation in the human body and remove toxins from the body.However ginger can also increase the effects of blood thinners and should not be used by anyone under weight as it increases metabolism and can cause weight loss.Lemon has been known for centuries to help with asthma and opening up airways and as an antbacterial, also it can ease rheumatic pain and aid copd.If drunk in equal parts with water it can also help protect against infectious disease.More people are moving away from toxic chemical treatments and looking to the past at the thousands of years of knowledge that in the West is often ignored.I am not advocating in any way that anyone should stop taking prescribed meds, I’m just stating that there are natural and easy things that can be done to compliment the health as well as prescribed meds.Lots of green leafy veg especially kale and spinach gives lots of chlorophyll which aids cell regeneration and the transfer of oxygen in cells.
Milk thistle can repair the liver act as an antioxidant prevent bone loss and they are now researching as there’s a possibility it can help with Alzheimer’s.
Finally crushing raw garlic, leaving it rest for 15 mins causes chemical changes which turns it into a good anti viral when added to ginger or eaten raw, they say this is why it was used in vampire stories to ward of evil as it kept disease away.
Knowledge is power o2 and I thought I’d share some insight for members especially with the current flu epidemic.
Again I must stress the information I’ve given is not meant to be used instead of prescribed meds, it’s purely meant to be used to compliment other treatments.

Great load of information Sjm and all the things you mention strengthen the immune system and boy, do we need that in these flu ridden times, so scary.
I also take ginger, again in my porridge - didn't know the bit about it increasing metabolism though it makes sense. I tend towards underweight so will think about that.
Spinach and chard can be problematic for those with osteoporosis due to the oxalic acid they contain, which makes it hard to absorb calcium, so I stick to kale. Today I saw an article about growing milk thistle - may try that when the weather gets warmer.
It's a pleasure reading your replies Sjm - I like that you seem to subscribe to the theory "let food be your medicine". Is that your dog btw?

I love the taste of ginger and lemon tea and already drink it so was very interested about all the benefits you state.
Therefore could you please advise the best ratio of ginger to lemon and how much water to use when boiling for 3 mins. Dos it matter if you chop up both or use whole?
Also after boiling are you drinking it, as a tea, or draining and then just eating the softened ginger and lemon.
Sorry if these questions sound daft, I just want to make sure am doing it correctly.
I just use 6 organic lemons and two roots medium roots of ginger I wash the lemons in hot water to remove any wax used to preserve and peel the ginger although it’s not necessary it’s down to taste I roughly chop them add two large mugs of water and boil for three mins.Allow to cool well before refrigerating.It keeps for around three days and I just microwave a small glass to warm it as required.It can thin the blood so I advise anyone to check with a pharmacy or doctor before they mix it with meds as I don’t want anyone hurting themselves.Hope this helps.
Sorry meant to say also I just drink the fluid from the mixture and throw the plant matter away when done.

I think if more of us looked to the past for a remedy before rushing to the doctor our NHS might have a better future. As you say, these supplements do not replace medications for acute conditions but they go a long way in helping to prevent and alleviate them.

Hi Sjm... that sounds realy good I have heard a lot about the Turmeric but curcumin is new to me and I am greatly in favour of the organic capsules..... where would I get these from please.
Peg xxx
Holland and Barrett 😁
I just used e bay but don’t want to be advertising a site as long as it’s organic curcumin with bioperine any health food shop or online service would provide them.

Very intersting. I too have colits proctitis and copd. Would you please refer me to what Turmeric tablets you take as I would like to give these a try? I am currently going through a big flar up with my IBD and wandering if this is worth a try.
much appriciated.
They are just organic curcumin 500mg capsules with bioperine, hope this helps.

I too take circumin with boswellia and ginger SJM - don't know if it's done anything for COPD but have seen a big effect on arthritis - it's a natural anti-inflammatory. I have a friend who swears by Turmeric but it did nothing for me - maybe I didn't use it in the right form?
Your totally correct about the ginger aiding arthritis.You can make a paste with turmeric called golden paste which claims a lot of health benefits I just went with the curcumin as it’s meant to be the main chemical that reduces the inflammation and due to turmeric blood thinning.nice to hear from you Dragonmum xx
Hi. I don't take it, mainly because I take a lot of supplements already. If my arthritis becomes more difficult though I will begin by ordering organic & doing as O2trees does.
A friend of mine in France was suffering a lot with a knee & was down for knee replacement. She began taking a recipe recommended to her, 3 months of diligent use she's pain free. The recipe is called 'Golden Paste'. I'll deffo try it if needs be. P
I don;t take it as a supplement but as it is an anti inflammatory I put it in soups, one pot dishes, gravy and sprinkle it on eggs.
I take 500mg of curcumin mixed with pepper three times a day.Curcumin is a strong extract of Turmeric, I find it really helps with inflammation and it is supposed to reduce free radicals and oxidation in the body.Been taking it for about 6 months now, I buy it in capsules already pre mixed with pepper as the pepper makes it more available for absorption in the body as turmeric on its own can have blood thinning effects which you need to watch if your taking warfarin or any other blood thinners. Hope this helps Lilllian x

Ooh, you're a source of little known facts Sjm. My blood is a bit thick as I have polycethemia, so thinning it a bit would probably be welcome

I'm really interested in all those extra wee aids to help with our illnesses. I take lemon n local honey so would u recommend grating ginger in to the drink and if so how much. I do take turmeric capsules along with a few other supplements. Recently started taking cordyceps have you any knowledge on these. Trying everything and anything to help myself as I am feeling at present the doctors haven't gave me a great life expectancy or much hope for a cure or help for my recently diagnosed new diagnosis. Just keep getting told more and more negative things so any thing I can do to help myself please tell.
Much love Loretta xox
Ps. My illness started at copd threw a few other things in on the way and last week it has went to mitral stenosis (very rare) and pulmonary hypertension (very rare) so I suppose realistically I haven't got much going for me bar a lot of hope and prayers xox
All I can say is that I use around an inch of ginger but I can’t say what’s best for others I’d start with just a little and see how you go.I must stress that everyone’s different as I don’t want anyone taking things that may not agree with them.

Thank you for your reply I understand that what suits one doesn't necessarily suit another, but would literally do anything to ward off infection 😂
Loretta xox

Brilliant thankyou hun I bought it already and not on any anti coags so will give them a trial if I don't like I don't take xxx
Does anyone know if these remedies affect the kidneys. I have read a few posts about natural remedies but can't take them because they affect my kidneys and have I have CKD
I agree there’s a lot to be said about what grows on our earth that can help us and with that thought on mind Chai Tea it’s amazing firstly tasty has cumin tumeric chilli cardamom it’s comes in tea bag form or in a powder latte form and there are selling it in the most bespoke coffee houses for s fortune makes a lovely evening drink or hit with a shot of coffee and is also
Amazing I am never without a jar, box or 1kg or two lol 😂
Twinings Chai | Garraways
Also available from Sainsbury’s as a latte drink called drink me chai latte it’s to die for FIGURATIVELY speaking xxxxx