Hi everyone! Had the thorasic surgery. Wedge resections from the 3 lobes on right. Had chest tube which really is miserable. Glad its over. Will have biopsy info by end of this week possibly. I can't lift anything,or get back wet,but would love to. A raised toilet seat is coming soon this afternoon. They offered one so I accepted one! Hey it will be alot easier having something to hold on to...wow that sounded pretty pathetic ha ha. Oh well.
Home from VATS procedure. : Hi everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Home from VATS procedure.

I am sorry to hear you had a difficult op . I bet you are glad to be home. Hope the biopsy results are negative.
Stay strong x

Thanks Fran I am very glad its over and home. I hope they are too,and CT is wrong I will be strong no matter what! I have great friends on this site who make my day and make me smile and realize theres someone always there or been through things and great advice and stuff. Its getting so windy and cold. It was 54 yesterday by weekend supposably 19 degrees! Ugh! I wanted to go outside,but I think I'll be indoors siping some hot coffee
Hi Lin thinking of you..windy here too, colder than yesterday. Keep warm, coffee sounds wonderful Fran xx
Thinking of you Lin and hope all will be well. Take care. Love and gentle hugs. Xxxxx
welcome back Lin,Hope everything is negative and normal on your biopsy results,rest and chill on your elevated seat.......................love and best wishes skis and scruffy x
Hi ski and scruffy
I could not get to the toilet paper I hated it and asked if they had a different kind,they had but not covered by medicare. I am able to use regular ha ha. Ok I giggled a bit and it hurt.......but it felt great too! Xx
Sorry you have and are having a rough ride Lin. Had draining tubes following lobectomy at 15 and agree it's not a great experience. Glad that's over for you and hope for good results and that you heal quickly.
love and gentle hugs
Awwe at 15. So sorry. I hope you are doing ok. I'm so sorry that you are so young to have gone through such an experience. Gentle hugs taken that felt good and gentle hugs back and hope you feel mine!
Lin, get up and about as much as you can, do your breathing exercises with an Aerobika or other flute type devise, and practice pursed lips breathing throughout the day. It all pays off in a faster, more complete recovery. You are doing great! Kind Regards, judg69
Thanks,I have practices with incentive spirometer,its like your describing i think. Yes your so right,but I really been up and doing all myself. Just got a bath,man oh man I felt human again. Thanks for advice,I think I'll call physical therapy back later its 8am here so I read your advice and was feeling the opposite and your right,I need to keep doing more. This is so hard,as when theres no one watching you tend to underdo or overdo. I overdid all yesterday,I'm just so worn down,sad waiting for biopsy results has been kinda nerve racking. I thank you for the motivational note! I was going to rest today,but I'll try to stay active. I really can't use right arm strength,all was done on right side. Im very lucky though,as I read some very bad stories on the Langerhans community web site. Its a rare disease. I hope if i do have it don't spread all over. I know its going to be 2 CT reports said it was and the reader of the reports here is very good. Thanks again! I'm going to do call P.T. back. Ugh,so exhausted. Xx
Wishing you a speedy recovery, sounds like you have been through a rough time.
Thankyou so much. It has been quite an experience. Its been a bit tougher at home...Its just me here. I told Physical therapy to hold off a day or two as I just need to get a grip on things. Xx
Lin, you are doing Great! Best thoughts about your day, judg69
Thankyou Judg
Thank you Angie. Where is photo today? I loved that lil boy baby one,yes I said boy. You can tell by bone structures,plus Angie I guess,but I've not been wrong with these new ultrasounds 1x !!! So I would start looking now for baby boy outfits,they have 10x more for baby girls. Don't forget some new baby toys! My daughter has a son 16 a daughter 13 another son 2! My son has one son and he is 14. Its great being Gma! Thats my name,but my youngest calls me GG. I'll be looking for some photos! In my mind I'm imagining a walk and my arms swinging! So many encouraging words today to me! Xx
Hope you feeling better soon Lin76 i too had the vats operation on my right lung after a total collapse. Reading your post i was nodding my head remember it well i had to sleep with 6 pillows and sitting up, and sitting in a shallow bath and not getting your back wet but fingers crossed the pain and discomfort will ease soon i was starting to feel ok after about 4 weeks
Hi again Lin my vats surgery was 14th December last year and i was out walking (very slowly)over xmas with my hubby and doing little bits and pieces so fingers crossed you,ll be the same. All i can say it s really painful but it will get better soon i found the chest drains were worse then the actual operation i really hated them sadly for me i was 1 of the few the vats operation didnt work but its so very rare you,ll be fine take it easy and get plenty of rest
Hi Lin you sound well ,I want one of them toilet seats you're so lucky😊Xxxxxx alan
Oh Alan had an entire note wrote to you and i dont know where it went? The potty didn't work out. Very bulky and stuck out beyond a level of safety. I up walking slowly but walking. I was telling you about my clutsy self .......long story but I sleep walk occasionally. Last sept i dreamt i was walking my son's dog Emma with Gwen Stephanie (spelling???)and was singing my arms happily walking dog and walked right off the top step and fell down 12 more. I was not with Emma or Gwen,no one lives with me so i crawled to phone crying no balling my eyes out and my son came. Cast type thing on foot from sept to january. So I sent the clunky thing back. Everyone said it was dumb but it was unsafe! I now have a lot of steps to do,plus i think im getting a bladder infection. Pounding down the water and realized this all far from over. If ya only wrote sooner,I could have asked if the driver could get across the pond to you!
Don't get too comfortable on that seat reading the b l f 😊Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery xxxxx alan
Well done for giving up smoking that,s the hardest thing to do.Let me know how you get on and if you need someone to chat too via laptop i,m here,there,s nothing worse then feeling alone and nobody else understanding you that,s why this forum is wonderful with such lovely people everybody is here to help and listen.Look after yourself and hope you find a better gp they,re worth their weight in gold when you find a good one.Sleep when you can get comfy on the sofa with the pillows and catch up with sleep that,ll help
Ok thankyou for that. I think im following you but idk. I don't understand if im using this correctly! Xoxo
Yes it sure is! Thanks! So much xx