It's late in the evening but just had to share/ask someone and you my virtual friends and fellow sufferers? Who better. Don't you find it frustrating when GPS and consultants say now you know where we are if you need us then it's almost impossible to get in contact with the one who said that.My broni has flayed up and that darned fatigue working overtime..I got an over the phone review with Dr and almost as usual I got the yeah I know BUT,😤 aaaw, thanks Ger
Problem shared? : It's late in the... - Lung Conditions C...
Problem shared?
Am under lung walk in center but i cant walk in AS need letter of GP first SO don't know how that works.
Crazy how it works or dosent work ain't it,Ger
Defo agree and when we say stuff we are neurotic one's

That's got me confused too Jeff, many people with lung problems can't walk anywhere in the first place. But some areas have a special clinic that the GP can refer you to if you have a flare up of condition. Guess that's what they mean by walk in as you don't need a consultants referral from your GP. That's the only info I can offer.
Hi Katie am sure your right but as outpatient at such clinic you would nit think you need letter of gp.
Was at lung place and nurse told me to get letter of doctor.
Said with issues amount of antibiotics had i do need to see lung doctor.
So at gp's again in morning.

Sorry you have to go through such a process, but you should not really be taking lots of antibiotics, if you have a long lasting flare up its usual to be given a swift short course of steriods i have had to have them in the past but not all GPs will prescribe them without a consultant say so. So good luck with yoiur referral at the doctors today.
Yes a classic.. if you ask how that works it will be: contact me through your GP..
Although if you know them well enough, turn up at the respi clinic and sit there, the receptionist may fit you in. Well I tried it once and it worked. Looking very vulnerable, coughing my little heart out. Got a prescription. Saved me 3 weeks of letter exchange ..
They say they understand but they don’t. Xxx
Sign of the times unfortunately.
I must be very lucky, as my lung consultant said I was to ring him immediately if I started going downhill, and reinforced it by saying the same to my husband. Also the Heart Institute have given me a list of people I can call if I am worried, including an out of hours consultant/ registrar if necessary. Both hospitals in Bristol, but my cardiologist in Lincoln was the same. It can be different if you have been discharged from hospital because then you do need a new referral. Ring their secretaries and insist, if necessary email. All the best xx