What Mattress does the NHS use, I was cured of my Sciatica when I was in the hospital, but when I came home it returned with a vengeance, coz I was using my old bed again.
NHS Mattress: What Mattress does the... - Lung Conditions C...
NHS Mattress

Hospital use a covered mattress for easy cleaning.
You could try a plastic cover, similar to the type used for bed wetting.
Or most likely reason is hospital use cotton sheets, changed daily or regular basis.
The NHS use various types of mattress and beds. Each have a specific function or combination of functions. I would suggest that you ring the hospital. However the way the actual bed is positioned may be more of a factor than the actual mattress.
Sorry to disagree with you Stone but I would think it has more to do with the actual mattress itself, ie, structure of the mattress - firmness, hardness, softness. Maybe you could ring the hospital you were in and see if anyone can give you any information on that or even which company makes them and perhaps get some answer from that source. My husband has suffered intermittently from sciatica and I have a back that plays up and both of us agree that how you ly, how you sit has a big effect on how you feel from day to day.
We use a Tempur mattress and it does help Petes back. It cost a lot of money though but you could try something similar but less expensive. No idea what the NHS use. Xxxxx
Try here John,
lots of choices, Ron.
I have a Mammoth Matress which was developed from the construction of the matress which he had in hospital when he had a major back up. They now make various types within that make now. It may be worth trying one out.
Hospitals use a variety of mattresses but the majority will be of foam with a waterproof covering for easy cleaning. Hospital mattresses are regularly washed which is not easy to do if you have a matteress covered in material such as cotton. A washable mattress facilitates getting rid of bacteria and when dried properly, can prevent skin damage caused by the build up of sweat. Sweat can mascerate the skin leading to breakdowns which can exacerbate other skin conditions.
I suggest speaking to your district nurse and ask if it would be possible to have a hospital mattress at home. If it keeps you out of hospital, it might be cost effective to give you one?
Dependant on the ward you were in it could be an air mattress great for easing and prevention of bed sores, now I am in a nursing home with moisture lesions I have an air mattress. I would ask who is doing your care first more so if you are being looked after by a chronic care nurse/s you may be able to loan one plus bed from a general outlet.