Vaping shops in NHS hospitals - Lung Conditions C...

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Vaping shops in NHS hospitals

mbscbpmbscbp profile image
17 Replies

I am amazed that ASH the well known anti-smoking organisation apparently approve of Vaping shops been set up in NHS Hospitals This is crazy as the organisation is supposed to represent non-smokers and people with breathing problems.Personaly I find vaping worse than smoking.The smoke emmited by the vapour pipes is far more than ordinary cigarretes The vapour companies say that the fumes are just steam so therefore they are not dangerous.I once went in a room full of vapourers and I could not see in front of my face.It was more like the smog days of when we burnt coal.The point is that because the vapour is damp it affects my breathing and causes me to cough vehemently Cant we stop this from happening as it will affect everybody even if they havnt got breathing problems.

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mbscbpmbscbp profile image
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17 Replies

Absolutely agree. Any substance put into the air around us is going to affect our breathing and distress us. This is the story of my life. These organisations and governments are only interested in the smokers themselves. Nobody has ever shown any consideration for me having to breathe in their detritus when taking the next breath is difficult enough.

2greys profile image

This is astounding to be in a hospital for a lot of reasons. The safety of vaping will not be known for years, for now it is all theoretical. The flavourings used have already been proven to be harmful to health.

Again I have to point out that nicotine, derived from either smoking, vaping or even patches is detrimental to healing and recovery whether from injury, operation, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. For a hospital to condone vaping is, to say the least, hypocritical.

Look here for nicotine and healing facts:

sassy59 profile image

That sounds completely crazy and downright dangerous to me. What is this country coming to. Xxxxx

13cats-lives profile image

Please get your facts right on this subject before commenting. In January, I was sectioned under the Mental Health act for 28 days. To say I was in a state was an understatement! We were offered vape cigarettes, for when Alone in our rooms. When you are in distress and confusion, I happily bought a menthol one.

No! I do not smoke...

The point is, this was not to br used amongst the general population of the hospital, or around other mental health service users. It was a temporary crutch, and on leaving hospital, I left vaping .

In Some circumstances, the Exception is the rule.

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to 13cats-lives

I know lots who Vaped to give up Smoking, and it worked, Like you it has to be handled properly. The Air Polution outside is our Enemy. xxx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to 13cats-lives

Thank you for giving another side to the Vape story. I have a grandson who has asthma and vapes instead of smoking so would be interested in any knowledge to do with these things, before codemning them even though they make my health symptoms worse when near to them. Hope you are feeling much better now.

katieoxo60 profile image

I agree with you, many of us with lung conditions get symptoms triggered by varied things we breathe in, we are looking for clean air but that is not possible. If these vapes are only giving off steam it should not effect us especially our cough, because its similar to a nebuliser. But How do the flavours get in there I would be asking and what are they ?? as they are not pure steam. In fact they strike me as like the Haze they use at theatre shows & there is no control over how much vapour is in a room.

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to katieoxo60

Morning katieoxo60 and I too think it is totally ridiculous for a NHS hospital to sell vaping paraphernalia(sorry if spelt incorrectly). I am afraid I have to say that the vaping steam that is given off,is a no-no for me. Steam is one of my enemies .........ask my 🚿 shower about all the blaspheming !! Obviously it would be an unplanned event for me to be in an area where several people were vaping,but my body cannot tolerate it,just like I am sensitive to overpowering scents,household cleansers,certain washing powders,air freshners, candles and so the list goes on,and on etc,etc!.

Anyway, the weather forecast doesn't look to be too humid today,so it's outside listening to the tennis on my 📻 radio. Let's hope neighbours don't have their BBQ,charcoal based,until this evening,as that also is on my "to avoid" list due to the amount of smoke. I'm not a total killjoy ,I just find it easier to go indoors if the smoke is blowing in my direction. Hope you have a nice,relaxing weekend yourself.🍷🍓🌞

13cats-lives profile image
13cats-lives in reply to katieoxo60

Hi, just wanted to help with the ‘flavours’ in Vapes....It is Not the flavours that effect the amount of vapour emitted, it is the different types of Vapes that are on the market. Some are ridiculously excessive in the amount of steam they give off. They are bought online or at specialist shops. You cannot get those from an average shop! Or the NHS! Yet again, the minority are causing the problem. I wish that people would Ask, like you, before judging everyone who has used an e-cigarette.

The NHS ones only come pre-made and sealed, are the equivalent of approx. 20-30 cigarettes. They are Not offered to many patients, and I stress again they are to be used On Your Own, Not amongst others!! I hope that allays people’s fears.

I do not criticise them for boiling the kettle....

Badbessie profile image

I stopped smoking by vaping. I nolonger do so. To me it was a means to an end. Even while I vaped I found the actions of others annoying. As 2 greys as already stated there are still many questions about the safety of gaping. Having shops in hospitals implies that it is safe. I can hear the legal arguments in 20 years time! Well the shop was in the hospital tnerefore the NHS must take responsibility for my lollipop lung brought on by vaping.

Lorre profile image

I was actually told years ago by a nurse the NHS are looking into their own vape to give to help people stop smoking, so I guess at the end of the day it’s peoples tolerances that define their opinions, let’s just hope it is a safer alternative to the real thing 😃

Jackieshep57 profile image

It worries me too. The vapour makes me cough and there hasn't been much research in what harm the vapours are doing ( if any).

Gelfin profile image

Vaping is just a(nother) habit, plus it dries out the lungs. Dry lungs = not good. Tobacco companies have been panicking due to their customer base decreasing year on year so what to do? Let's invent something that smokers will think is a harmless alternative to smoking. Of the 21 smokers in my workplace, 15 switched to vaping at least 7 months ago. Five have now gone back to smoking and the rest are still vaping. Brilliant.

Glasgowgirl1947 profile image
Glasgowgirl1947 in reply to Gelfin

A few people at my church began vaping a couple of years ago, they still vape, it's not helped them give up nicotine and the machine is similar to a cigarette with the hand action. I don't see them ever giving up but no-one knows for sure if it is harmless so I don't think the NHS should be condoning/ promoting what may prove to be every bit as harmful as cigarettes!!

13cats-lives profile image

By the way I forgot to mention that I don’t DRINK or eat MEAT, but that’s just my way of keeping Healthy. I do Not judge others who Do....

Izb1 profile image

It seems to me they are just introducing another habit, kids are now vaping that have never smoked because they think it looks cool, wasnt that the reason we started smoking ?? coming from a hospital seems seems totally bonkers x

mbscbpmbscbp profile image

I cannot believe what these people are saying about vaping in NHS hospitals.It is obvious they do not suffer from a serious breathing difficulty.Breathing nicotine steam fumes is worse than nicotine dry fumes.As a sufferer of bronciecsasis my lungs have a great deal of water lodged in my lower part of my upper lung which I cough up daily in order to pro-long my life (Wet and Damp Phlegm) By supporting Vaping these people are giving the green light for the tobacco companies to do exactly what they did in the nineteen fifties namely to promote smoking as good for the nerves.(Come on do you honestly believe that the tobacco companies have your health as a priority.) They are only interested in selling vapours.If they cannot sell them they will go bankrupt.

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