Thank God! After all those rounds of antibiotics and having a very rough summer I am becoming lung infection free! Yay!
Looks like my infection is going - Lung Conditions C...
Looks like my infection is going

That’s great news. Xxxx
It sure is xx thanks 🇦🇹
Wishing you well Lindy-loo things will be so different for you there. I'm so pleased your infection free? That's the best news ever, may it continue👏
Thank the lord for that. Take care xx
Thanks Maureen. Yes! I guess He's just still busy with that mansion...😊 Went for a ct scan tonight. Suprise...they stayed open until 7:30. Nice because I just hate waiting for the bus in the cold /rain. No rains yet but it's getting a bit nippy out here at the foot of the mountains.
Are you doing well?
I've been up all night Lindy-loo feeling really rough, this infection is still hear, finished steroids and antibiotics and wheezing like mad but going this afternoon to see specialist, husband almost phoned for ambulance through the night I had to stop him. Just wish I was sorted, getting worried about this holiday on the 18th with my grand daughters, hope I can make it, not like the last one and ended up in hospital. This time though it's in Majorca. Husband isn't well himself and he's been trying to do those exercises on my back and front to get mucus up. Oh my goodness it's scary this. Thanks for asking, and I do hope that your doing better. Let me know about that cat scan results when you get it please. Keep your chin up. Those mountains sounds wonderful. Love Maureen xx
The mountains are so beautiful. I live about 2 miles from the Capilano suspension bridge. It's a pretty big tourist attraction and if I do say, very impressive. Spanning the Capilano river (in my backyard) it's approx. 1,000 ft. Above the river and when you walk on it, it swings and sways. Not for the faint of heart!
I am so sorry to hear you are not doing well. That sucks! Do you have a nebulizer and a flutterer? Someone was saying he has been on that saline and has not had a flare-up for 3 months. That's pretty good news. I feel for you being sick and nothing working. I got scared when it was happening to me. My mind went to a few dark places! But after much prayer all that broke. Thank God for that...having said that if you like I will pray for you.
Majorca sounds you need a nurse? I'm available.😎
Great news ! Can you pinpoint any one abx or combo that you think finally nailed it. Enjoy your freedom 👍
My doc gave me Amoxi-clav 500 / 125 m.g. a combination drug.
Free! Free indeed 😁
That antibiotic is always the way forward!
Oh, do you mean that particular antibiotic? Never had it before but it's working. I have 1 more day to go and the truth will be told after that.
Must go and get my flu shot but a bit nervous coz if I have the least little bug still floating around in this body I'll just get sick all over again. Can't handle the thought!
since I saw my doctor with my 9th flare up, it was then we both come to the opinion that I was not clearing the left lung where bronchiectasis was, I asked there and then was there anything else we could try he suggested trying saline nebs which at first reluctantly I started on them and now 3 months down the line I have been flare-up free the longest I have been free from any trouble.

Good news although the nebs are 70.00 for a perscription here in Canada. Not sure how many I get per/ script. Getting sick is so expensive!
Why do you think that the saline has worked so well?
The nebuliser works so well because it clears the lungs and leaves nothing to get infected. I haven’t had an infection since I got mine. I also use a clearance device which can be bought online and that’s good too. Because I have a hard time clearing lungs I use both and haven’t been this well for so long for two years. I haven’t had an infection since June and before I had 10 days clear of infection and antibiotics at a time... it was horrid.
I guess I have to bite the bullet and put that 70.00 out 😣 thanks for the comment.
Try using a peri o pep first ... it may be all you need and they cost about £40 online.

Hope you feel well soon!
Very good news Lindy loo
Great news, Yea!