Hi, I'm new to this site, I've had bronchitis for a number of years that comes and goes, has only ever been treated with sending me home from the doctors, nothing much ever done and I'm wondering now, at 52 years old, if they'd have taken it more serious perhaps I wouldn't be as bad as I am today. I think it's more phenomena than bronchitis this time, but he didn't want to vomit. I was sent for a chest X-ray after the doctor listened to my lungs with a chorus of "oh my gosh" "good grief" so I'm taking it he heard something bad. Get X-ray in the results in a couple of days, so fingers crossed. Hope everyone is well today, take care.
Hiya.: Hi, I'm new to this site, I've... - Lung Conditions C...

Oops commit that should be not vomit.
You can edit - use the little 'v' button at the bottom of the post. Welcome to the forum.
Fingers crossed you get the results you want and welcome to you xxxx

Aw thank you Angie, you're all so kind and supportive, thank you x
To leave you so long having repeated chest infections and not sending you to a respiratory specialist is dereliction of duty. It is obvious that something is going on which will need proper management. When you go for the results of the xray insist on a referral to a good consultant. Insist insist insist. These are your lungs - not those of your lazy doctor.

Thank you littlepom, I will suggest that thank you again x
Good morning, and a very warm welcome to the group. 😊😊😊

Hello and so pleased you joined the forum. It sounds like you have been another that has been seen and forgotten about. Hope everything comes back ok for . Please keep posting. Love Bernadette 😳 xxx
Hi and welcome! There are so many aspects of your primary treatment its difficult to know where to start. Forgetting for one moments the lack of medication despite the diagnosis,no GP should voice his concerns during an examination.I do agree that you should make strenuous efforts to get hold of a respiratory specialist.An xray is unlikely to throw up the detail necessary for correct diagnosis a scan should help and that would be ordered by your consultant.
Hi and Welcome Friend, I too started with Bronchitis all those Years ago not knowing that it would develop into a Lung Disease. You must push these Doctors, they are leaving too many People Waiting, We All Know the NHS is Stretched, But they have to get their Priorities right where this Condition is concerned...Even Beg them to Refer you to Respiratory, They are the Best Nursing Team to help you. Good Luck, keep us informed. xxx