Hi I've had 'bronchitis ' for 6 weeks out of 8 with a clear sticky mucus (lots) 2 sets of antibiotics and steroids? Failed to improve at all. Bloods came back low infection feels like a constant bad cold. Next step is X-ray tomorrow any one had similar symptoms. Getting quite fed up Thank you Sam
Copd: Hi I've had 'bronchitis ' for... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi samjeff I have had a similar problem in the past and have had my antibiotics changed and a longer corse of steroids just a suggestion
Mmm as sputum is not coloured throws them a bit me too. Going for X-ray tomorrow then another blood test respiratory nurses say there's no sense in throwing antibiotics at something they don't know which virus it is ?? sam
Bless you I’ve had the same problem and I’ve been talking steroids for about a month but I’m finally feeling better hope you’re feeling better soon good luck for tomorrow x
Thanks Pugs really fed up x Sam
Sorry to hear your not good Sam lots of hugs honey and sunny pics get better soon xxx

Thanks Angie xxx
Seems the antibiotics are not working. You needa different or stronger antibiotic. I myself have to have the strongest suitable antibiotic available to fix any chest infection I get. I used to get infections often, but hardly ever since I started eating 1-2 garlic cloves per day. Smash the clove and chop then wait 10 - 15 mins then eat it. You can eat it with something else if you cant stand the taste, but the important thing is to wait the 10-15 mins after mincing it up to let the allicilin come out.
Hi.....have been the same since end of May now on 4th antibiotic which is working.
I have had three courses of steroids ........however this last antibiotic and the steroids
have a known about interaction leaving me feeling dreadful and it happened over a
weekend ......so ended up stopping both.
After a day or two I recommenced the antibiotics and the infection is now more or less
gone and I am feeling better. No more coughing.......
Must add during this time that a days diesel fume in the city of London and a weekends wood smoke in a delightful Welsh valley did not help me at all.
Thanks for that I've finished antibiotics yesterday today slight improvement not as much coughing going for chest X-ray later today. Sam