I to get the same it wakes me up is very scary I'm hoping it's part of anxiety I also get a strange sweeping feeling an feels like my heart as stopped
Anxiety: I to get the same it wakes me... - Lung Conditions C...

Could have sworn our doorbell rang at 1 o'.clock this morning. Really unsettled me, peering outside into the dark, heart thumping away - who would be ringing at that time. It must have been just in my head and eventually I got back to sleep. Itshorrible feeling anxious.
I lost my husband two years ago tomorrow & since he died I have been experiencing anxiety episodes. They don't happen a lot & there doesn't seem to be a particular reason or pattern to them. Not nice though, especially when you live on your own.

I lost my brother 11 weeks ago an suffer anixety bad it scares me will it get better
How do you cope with anixety
How do you cope with anixety
Have you spoken to your doctor about this? He would probably prescribe you something to help you over this time of bereavement. Somethng like a paracetamol and codeine might help, especially at bedtime, but don't overdo it. Best to have a chat with your doctor, it is something they deal with often. Good luck, Iris x
I hope the anixety stops soon it's not nice to have those that have it I wish you all well