I follow the forum regularly and find it very helpful to connect to people in a similar position as me.Why am I looking for help? I am on 5l of oxygen,recently upped from 2.5,and 6 l ambulatory.I find I've been losing weight over the past few months and my anxiety has kicked in .I will talk to my go and see if they'll increase my citalopramI've also been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension which I understand about.I kept a positive outlook for so long but feeling slightly scared.Has anyone else had weight issues?I was approx 8 and a half stone but now probably nearer 7 stone.
Anxiety: I follow the forum regularly... - Lung Conditions C...

look at the NHS guidance on putting weight on and find a good dietian, you could try for a referral to the dietitian at your local hospital. It’s working for me and I have managed to get out of the dangerously low part or the BMI scale
It can go with the territory of some lung diseases, the challenge to keep a healthy weight. Do ask for a referral to an NHS dietitian, preferably one experienced in respiratory disorders.
Have you ever done the pulmonary rehab course? A session on diet is often included on that.
Check out this set of pages on the Asthma and Lung UK website: asthmaandlung.org.uk/living...
Hi Fribox , as I understand your post you seem concerned about your weight . What height are you? as your weight seems low to me. Anxiety would burn up calories making you loose weight but so could many other things I would seek advice from your GP if possible ASAP. Your blood pressure needs monitoring until its stable at a steady reading this takes time and there will be times when you are unwell or upset which will alter your readings. You have COPD you say which is often accompanied with blood pressure problems too. Some GPs have weight control clinics or the practice nurse helps. Do reach out for the medical advice you need even chemists can advise. Best Wishes
After being hospitalised with, among other things, pulmonary oedema my weight dropped to below 8 stone although being very short it didn't seem to matter except for having no appetite which led to nutritional problems. The list the dietician gave me was full of goodies but as yet I still don't feel like eating.
Hi Fribox,
Yes, I've lost a lot of weight and it's very depressing, as I don't look good on it.
All I've been told is to have a high protein diet and the doctor I saw, thought I had an eating disorder - bit odd at 61! I saw a dietician, prior to Covid, who put me on a diabetes weight gain diet - you can find it online - high fat diet! This did work to a certain extent, but then I had problems getting things, due to lock downs etc. I was also on a different inhaler at that point.
I suspect, that whilst my lungs are probably deteriorating, the inhaler I have been on - Trimbow - has been contributing to weight loss, as I was having panic attacks, as soon as I had it, in the morning. The hyper ventilating/panic attacks cause us to burn up calories 10 times quicker than normal. It also made me feel as if I had a permanent corset on, which was restricting both my lungs and stomach. I have just changed inhaler, and my stomach does not feel nearly so tight and restricted. I am hoping this will enable me to eat more, without feeling uncomfortable. It's early days with the new inhaler, so I will let you know if it helps me gain weight.
Have a look at the asthma UK mindfulness course, it is online and free. It should help with the anxiety side
Pressed wrong button, do you mind me asking you what your Doctor as changed you onto from Trimbow as doctor told me Trimbow is the best one for me, stage 4 Copd/ Asthma. Steroids mess up my diet to the degree I’m like someone with an addiction for food and then I can’t breathe as belly bloats up. At moment I’ve got pneumonia lay in bed now for five days and bad anxiety from it all, not allowing me to sleep . It’s not easy life when we can’t breathe. Please take care. Ken
Similar situation here regarding weight. We all know what nutritionists will say, but I mostly ignore that, since if I don't get the weight under control I won't be here to see if eating a poorly balanced diet is bad for me. I need calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats. I need to be eating almost constantly. Tiny meals, all day.
All foods must be cut into small one-bite bits. I cannot force down 1/4 sandwich, but cut that quarter into 9 little sandwiches and it's easy. Same with cheese pieces, apple slices, and choose tiny crackers or biscuits or cookies.
If there are snacks where I sit, just like in my fat youth, I will eat mindlessly. So there are little baggies, dishes, or jars at the computer and at the reading chair, and bedside with nuts and dried fruit and dark chocolate.
I eat ice cream with whipped cream. I like yogurt, especially the high-protein ones. I was delighted to learn that two of the small 35g Reeses peanut butter cups have 170 calories and 4 grams of protein.
I have gained around five pounds a month and still too thin, but I'm optimistic I can keep it up. Best wishes!