Hi all, it is now 2 and a half weeks since my COPD diagnosis now. Since then I have got a lot of support here and a COPD nurse on the phone. My doctor won’t refer me for pulmonary rehab yet!!! I am on Spiriva since diagnosis. I have been anxious since diagnosis but now feel even more so, awake during night with anxious feeling in pit of stomach and like heart racing. This morning was like panic attack but not with SOB just anxious, numb left arm and thinking something bad wrong. Has subsided slightly, nearly went to ER. Have a lot on this week, holding a function for confirmation in the house and trying to get organised so maybe this is adding to it. Wondering if this could be shock of diagnosis or affects of Spiriva??? Any similar experiences or advice more than welcome, thank you.
Anxiety: Hi all, it is now 2 and a... - Lung Conditions C...

Aniexty can go hand in hand with COPD, although there are breathing exercises to overcome specific attacks. Don’t be afraid to seek medical help. Aniexty can be deliberating with the added breathlessness associated with a lung condition.
Feel very simalar . Every little thing is me about to drop dead. No matter what though we need to to try and live life.
Hello Shazza. Having 2 things on ur mind doesn’t help. I felt anxious when it was first diagnosed but then thought well I must try to make the most of it. Concentrate on the other thing on ur mind and do the best for that. I wondered why they haven’t sent u to Pulmonary rehab. When u can have another word to c if u can get on it, it certainly has made me feel better, although I still have good days and bad days. The problem is we all have to make the most of what we have wrong with us. Some people can manage the situation better than others. Good luck to u. Hope this helps in a small way. 👍🤓
It does help thank you Roysieboy, I will try to ask again about the rehab as know I would benefit from it. Will try to focus on upcoming event to take my mind off illness. Such early days so hoping it will get better, have never had to take an inhaler before so have to adjust to that also. Hope the days are being kind to you.
Hi---I'm recently diagnosed as well (Sept. last year) and I think I can understand. Yes I had been SOB badly (short of breath) for a few months---but as soon as I was told I had COPD (emphysema and later asthma) I obsessed . I was conscious of every complete breath I couldn't take, the yawn that didn't work, the fear of suffocating. And then I also fixated on all the other body aches and pain. They were probably always there but now there must be something insidious behind .
What helped after I googled all the wrong sites(terminal, progressive) I then found sites like this -with actual accounts, info and insights. I found other sites on breathing (and posture) and the oh so helpful Pursed Lip Breathing . And my pulmonologist immediately signed me up (in addition to Breo) for Pulmonary Rehab. The therapists commented how useful it was that I was there fairly early in my disease ---so that I could learn how to stop/halt the progression instead of "just managing".
The info helped , the breathing techniques were helpful, the exercise needed, but more important---was that the whole experience gave me power back----that I was not going to be taken over----I could take charge .
If your doc won't prescribe PR (and I would try nicely pushing ) then do it yourself. Go online to a DR. Greenspan and learn some of the breathing practices. Get a pulse oximeter (although I was a tad obsessed for a while) find a cheap gym and use the treadmill. See if a humidifier helps your breathing. Practice pacing your breathing to get up and down steps better. (I continue to have trouble---with exercise I'm always going left when everyone else is heading right----and in yoga I'm exhaling when the universe is inhaling). The PR at my facility incorporated diet education , lung physiology , establishing support, and to my personal amusement , guided relaxation therapy.
Next month I start Pulmonary3--- guided classes twice a week. I'm already at my local gym using the equipment that doesn't confuse or terrify me, and trying to talk myself into squeezing on a bathing suit and swimming. All this, frequent strolls, and a nice glass of wine are easing my terror and anger at my diagnosis. Oh and very crucial ----flu and pneumonia shots and reasonable hand washing. Staying heathy (but not crazily paranoid) is so important.
Good luck to you (and all of us).
You sound the exact same as me starting off, it is like an obsession, but sounds like you are coping so well now and what wonderful advice you have given me. Feel uplifted reading your reply. Will try to push more for rehab but if not given will look up as you said. I used to love swimming so will also try to squeeze into my swimsuit!! Thank you for your candid reply and good luck with all your endeavors.
I have been on Spiriva for quite a few yrs now,,1 capsule a day,, I would say it's not spiriva , but anxiety attacks,, it's a lot to take in,,,but if you have just been diagnosed, it's a lot to take in,,but you can still live well and just make a few adjustments ,,, I still walk the dog,, but slower than usual, you will get to know your limitations,,, it's not a death sentence you have been handed,,,if you smoke, you must stop,, do some deep breathing exercises,, you will not be alone in this journey, for we are all here for you,,,
Thank you for reply chrissie, good to know not Spiriva, but anxiousness seems to have taken hold. I will try to get out walking, I have 2 dogs who love their outings, kids have been taking them but will motivate myself to go. I gave up smoking 4 years ago and took up vaping but gave that up on diagnosis and have nicorette inhaler advised by doctor. Thank you again for advice.
Omg snap I posted recently I can’t sleep chest tight so tired heart beats fast lying down makes me worse . I really think it is being told about our condition . I was diagnosed a month ago x sure we will Be ok soon 💖
I really hope so Vonnie, so fed up of this anxious feeling and heart doing ninety to the dozen, feel sometimes like I am on the verge of heart attack or stroke. One day we will accept and it will be part of us and hopefully we can halt it in it’s tracks. Best of luck and sleep well ❤️
Yes I agree while I type this I am actually in the drs waiting room to talk about my panic and not sleeping x I hope we get passed this very soon x