Hello, how are you able to feel happy despite of bronchiectasis? I don't wanna be depressed even though I feel like I am experiencing sometimes. Depression is so bad. 😢 I hope I can get here pieces of advices on how to enjoy life despite of this long-term illness. Thanks.
Depression, anxiety: Hello, how are you... - Lung Conditions C...
Depression, anxiety

First thing I would say is speak to your GP there is help available. I think everone would say they would rather not have bronchietasis or any other chronic illness. By what I read on the forum from peoples personal experience is that they do what they have to do re medication, medical appointment etc but are still people who get on with life.
Don't let bronchietasis define who you are. I don't know how long it is since you got your diagnosis but it does take time to adjust and come to terms with it.
Do everything you can to be as healthy as you can physically and mentally.
Your GP or respiratory nurse could possible advice you about support group.
I am sure others will come along and give support and advice.
My experience is after my diagnosis and playing around with different medications I just got on with life yes certainly was not 100% everyday but I know there are people a lot worse of than me. Good luck .
Well . . . For me its important to have things to look forward to, holidays, theatre trips, visits with family and friends, I love a full diary. I have changed the activities I can't do for ones I can. E.g. Swapped acting for yoga. Revisited old hobbies and learnt new ones. In the process I've made new friends. Being creative is important to me. I try to manage my condition with excercise and reasonably healthy eating. I know I'm VERY lucky in that my husband and daughter are extremely supportive. I really try to live life as it could be cut short any moment - but that's true of everyone not just lunggies. I accept the dark days and ride them out. Maybe your first port of call could be your doctor for help with the depression. One of my consultants said he'd be surprised if I wasn't depressed! Please, try and get help!
Hi iamggYes we all have good and bad days and my mood dips. Tears usually follow. Just keep getting back up when it knocks you down.
I do tend to appreciate things more now. Just sitting in the park with a flask of tea,watching the world go by.
Its adapting to what you can do now. Don't dwell too much on what you used to be able to do, that drives you crazy.
I used to love walking, but thats a plod now, but at least I am still getting out there.
I now see it as a game of snakes and ladders, and there seems to be a lot of snakes out there! And also up the ladders there is always someone waiting to step on your fingers!
Listen to your favourite music and take yourself back. I listen to 70's music and that takes me back to being at home and my best mate.
Try to get out every day and if you have a garden, take a cup of tea and enjoy the sounds of the birds, although we have a busy road behind us but we do tend to blank that out.
Drink plenty of water and do chest clearance every day.
Take care and just take time to smell the roses 🌹.
Thank you. What are the chest clearance that is good to do?
I do postural drainage with active cycle of breathingI have a board set up at an angle, with head lower than feet and do the active cycle of breathing. This works for me, but everyone is different. My consultant says that this 'is old hat' but I believe that gravity helps.
I do have a flutter device but I found this to be exhausting and we get tired anyway.
I do feel with treatment it is a postcode lottery, as being on this site you read posts and think they are getting lots of tests and treatment.
I listened to Littlepom and now have a review the end of June with a Bronchiectasis specialist. Just to find out if we could be doing more.
When do you next see your consultant?
is this a new diagnosis?
Last march 2022
When I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis, I had to stop eating cold foods like fresh Oranges & lemons & mint for a while until my bronchiectasis settled down. My bronchiectasis was caused by pneumonia. I was always feeling cold but slowly I did get better. I wouldn't have known that the Oranges weren't good for me if the herbalist didn't tell me. I do treat myself to Oranges when I feel too hot. Dairy doesn't suit me, but I can have cheese toast & pizza. I do treat myself to desserts when I'm feeling good in my health. Sometimes when I feel like my health is going downhill due to weather or food I take turmeric capsules which have black pepper in them. They get rid of the inflammation. Then I keep drinking water. You will learn to know what suits you & what doesn't. Don't worry & if you need to ask anything feel free 😊
Learning to live with chronic illness is a challenge but a choice. Letting go of the old life is about grieving. Doing what you can the best you can is the new life and its perfectly possible to be happy even if it is moments when you are sufficiently distracted from your health. However, sounds like you have other serious concerns going on so I hope you will get the support you need from GP and maybe counsellor. In the meantime eat, sleep and exercise well. Stay hydrated too, avoid anyone with cough or cold and live. I still wear a mask in crowded places. Good luck .
Depression is bloody awful. It’s no use anyone telling you to snap out of it.
I’ve been living with Bronchiectasis 68 years. Some on this site even longer. We just accept it is what it is. I count my blessings. I know there are so many so much worse.
I hope you seek professional help. And we’re here if you want a moan. Keep your spirits up. Best wishes, Diane 😊