Here is a little background information:
I am 37, never smoked or did any recreational drugs ever. In October 2016, I began to lose hair, weight, it wad hard to breath. By, January and movement at all would set me into a coughing fit. Finally, I could not take it anymore so I went to the emergency room. There a few tests were run and I was told I have pneumonia come back in a few weeks to get another chest xray! Took the antibotics and went back, gradually getting worse and worse. Again, was given antibotics.. speed up 8 doses of antibotics later... my joints are so swollen and ache I barely move.
The doctor finally begins to take it serious because my O2 level drops to 66. I am admitted into the hospital in the ICU step down unit for 6 days. Then transferred to a ward room. Were if I remain in my bed I am fine. Even getting up to use the washroom lowers my levels and I nearly pass out. Bu this time I am told I have inglammed lungs, spleen, lymph nodes, heart and liver .. they did more blood test then I thought humanily possible. Did scans and xrays and a bronchiscipy.
Only for all that to come back as "nothing". So, I am shipped off to Kelowna for an open lung biopsy.
Results: I have one of the rarist forms of lung disease there is.. NSIP
I try ask the Doctor questions, but he is clueless. Knows nothing about this disease l.
Now I being shipped off to Vancouver to see someone else.
There is nothing on the internet (surprisingly) about how to go on living with this disease. There are terrifying article's on how I may only have 2-13 years to live...
I tried to get my Dr to tell me if I have cellular or fibrotic or the mixed. But, He was not really very keen on giving a response
I feel as though I have been given a death sentence with no last rights and no reason why..