I have emphysema last year I have fluid in the lung then cancer couple of days after op had blood clots 1 in each lung knew nothing only hard to breath drain was taken out after 7 months stopped blood thinners the fluid had done damage to lung but thought back to normal life
December 18th in hospital they said blood clot scan tomo thought great home next day that evening did a cough tiny bit of blood you could just see nurse said it's nothing don't worry 15 mins later it looks like a horror movie I am covered In blood so is the bed they pulled all the other curtain on the ward and got a doc from high depen then bloke with red bag came and to that ward we went they did not expect me to leave I was well enough 12 days later for a scan I have loads of blood clots nothing as moved it feels the size of a tennis ball the top part of my lung is now dead and will not come back the clots have also damaged the right side of my heart now I am in another hospital now closer to home 4 weeks in hospital and I still cant walk no idea how long before home
So blood clot are can be very dangerous dont think they are nothing as I used to think I was just so lucky after op