Hi. My name is Maira and I live in Argentina (sorry for my english 😉. So, I also have COPD. I'm 34. I have never smoked before. I had an accident in 2015, a carbon monoxide poisoning , then I inhaled fire smoke. So, I did a spirometry last tuesday. My FEV1 is 34% , my FVC/FEV1 is 52%. In may of 2016, fev1 was 22% and fvc/fev1 was 56%. No change after inhaler. So, I'm scared about my future. My FEV1 has improved a little bit, but I don't know, until when.
My difussion test (dlco) is now 45% (last year was 22%) so, I have lost my alveolar function surface. It serious. I've to use oxygen too, but not 24/7
I have bronchiectasis too. Cough and phlegm every moment. My Heart rate 120
My doubt is, do I have any chance to improve my FEV1? I mean, as a normal person? Because I can't work and I'm always in home. I obtained my retirement...
And one more question, I'm going to buy a treadmill, but I don't know wich is better: with or without motor?
Thank you all.