It seems that this is an improvement on my spirometry of 3 years ago but I had no idea it was only 28%. A respiratory nurse explained the results to me the GP said nothing. I guess I am pleased that there is an improvement and no worse but now in the anxiety and fear circle has well and truly set in and I am a wreck x
28% lung function: It seems that this... - Lung Conditions C...
28% lung function

Why are you a wreck? You are better than you were when you were not worried! Some like to keep a record of their test readings to monitor their progress. Others prefer to go by how they feel. Neither is wrong. Another thing to remember is that our numbers don't mean much on their own. Some need to give up work when they reach 40% some are still working at 16 or 17%. It very much depends on the individual. Don't let anxiety about figures disable you.
Good advice Mrsmummy. My stage is clinically stage 2 moderate but at the moment. My symptoms are stage 3 and I don't have an infection. And I am one that dosnt go by the numbers never dose my consultant he go by how i feel. I do exercises and go to the salt cave. So I am hoping that when I see my consultant in June my. Breathing test will be up from 6 months ago.
Nottobad salt cave can you explain for me what it is please thank you Angie x

Hi angie this will explain it to you. I also have a salt pipe. I have only had 2 sessions at the moment. But I know someone who goes to one and she finds it a great help..xx
Ty, I know the anxiety is wasted energy and I am no worse than 3 years ago desperately trying to focus on that xx but my body just seems to go into melt down xx
FEV1% can fluctuate depending on whether you have any infection, the weather and even what time of day the readings are taken. My readings were lower then yours are 12 years ago yet I am still here and still enjoying life. Please don't dwell on little things. They will debilitate you more. It is good to look for the positives and battle on.
Please try to rid yourself of the fear and anxiety ask for help Don't be love me my life is a nightmare because of fear and anxiety wishing you well x