Hi went to the hospice yesterday my god was I stressed they took my blood pressure then contacted my doctors about it also she requested that they change tramadol to long acting morphine sulphur tablets nothing done yet but hopefully matron coming back tomorrow still waiting for the results of sputum sent in last Thursday doctor told me to take Doxycillin and steroids but I had been on ciproflaxin for nearly a month so as usual everything up in the air The social worker at the hospice has sent of the form for attendance allowance for me not entitled to carers allowance because of Frank's work pension .
Just shoot me : Hi went to the hospice... - Lung Conditions C...
Just shoot me

Hope the tablet change will help and you feel better soon. You have certainly been through it.
Take care and good luck with the Attendance Allowance. Xxx
Thanks sassy the doctors rang and asked could I go over to get blood pressure checked I said matron coming tomorow so she will do it hopefully and also chase the tablets up to .Hope pete and your daughter in law doing ok and of course you also xxxx
Hello Margaret, sorry you had such a stressful day yesterday. I hope the change in your medication gives you a lot more relief from your pain. You do seem to be getting a lot of help from the medical profession and of course from Frank. Hope you have a better day today. Love Lilian xxxxx
Sorry to hear of all your problems I do hope they get you sorted.. it's been very wet here doesn't do much to make you feel cheerful, Johns bowling cancelled so at least the silver lining is he is at home. Keep your chin up and take care Rosabeth
Hi. Rosabeth been raining all day here as well glad John will be at home with you it's very bleak here today as well .frank just gone over to the doctors to see if they have changed my medication but they haven't yet looks like it's going to be another battle .I hope the matron does come tomorrow and she will speak to the doctor I've just finished abs again and looks like still got infection sick of it take care xxx
Hi Margaret,blimmey if it's going to happen to anyone it's gona be you eh? Hope you have a better day today. The problem is GP's do not have to act on recommendations from others. My respiratory nurse recommended 3 days a week antibiotic,GP says not yet! Hope you get yours sorted soon, also GP's always seem to think Bp is "borderline",when others think its high. It' like they are on an ego trip and don't like taking instruction from anyone else.
Matron didn't come she phoned and said my test was ok so why am I coughing up green gunk they said it was ok before and I ended up in hospital .She not coming till next Thursday bringing a matron who can prescribe they going to change my inhalers .i am waiting to hear what is happening about changing to morphine tablets I don't think doctor going to sanction it I'm also going to see if I can have a antidepresant for day time I feel my netves are getting worse every day .The matron is referring me to a clinical psychologist not sure Of the difference between that and a psychiatrist hope you having a good day Maggie
You are visiting hospice for someone else? You sound so stressed! Hope things settle down for you!! Wishing you breathe easy days. 🙏❤️
I was not aware that carers allowance is means tested....my sister in law got it and her hubby is worth over a million ... Not joking he seriously is !
Benefits system seems very hot and miss.
Hope you get attendance allowance...that is also not means tested as far as I know so you should be ok.
My father in law got it through very fast when social worker applied.
Good luck
We were told carers allowance was means tested attendance allowance isn't though probally is hit and miss so we will see best wishes
It might still be worthwhile to claim carers allowance as even though he isn't entitled to any money he would still have an underlying entitlement to it and it could open up a raft of other benefits.

Thank you will get him to look into it
You are right Lilaclil - my husband was given Attendance Allowance two years ago ( sadly he only lived for four months after that ) but I was told to apply for Carers Allowance as well. I was told that because I was getting a State Pension ( I was 73 & retired ) there was no point, as if I claimed the Carers Allowance it would reduce my State Pension so swings & roundabouts. However, don't know if this applies to all Councils ( I live in Pembrokeshire ) but we did get a 25% reduction in our Council Tax.

Thanks Helen that is information we had but didn't know about council tax cheers
Have a look online at Govt.uk. You can also ring the BLF helpline as there is a benefits expert there you can talk to.

Thanks will do
Hello time-to-drink, still a lot going on for you, but good news about help with attendance allowance form, fingers crossed for you that it is dealt with quickly, no stress. Think the change of pain releif might benefit you. Sorry about the carers allowance, losing out because you provided for the future while working,i.e Franks work pension. It is never easy to swap drugs so hope it all sorts out soon and you feel a little less stressed out. The Hospice is there to try and get you as stable and comfortable as possible. Enjoy your day as best you can xx
Thank you Katie the matron is chasing the doctor up about change in medication she can't prescribe but she is bringing a matron with her next Thursday who can and going to change my inhalers and referring me to a clinical psychologist I'm also going to ask if I can have another anti depressant for day time I have Mitrazapan 45mg at night hope you have a good day xxx