Went to the hospice again today they want me to think about going once a week for a couple of month as a day patient any way back to today spoke to occupational therapist and counsellor session finished 3.30 Frank came in for me went for my wheelchair it wasn't there someone had took it had to wait till 5.15 for it to be returned is it me
Is it me : Went to the hospice again... - Lung Conditions C...
Is it me

That's not great but Pete borrowed a wheelchair from the British Red Cross to go to London once but now has one free from the NHS. Your GP should be able to help with that. Good luck. Xxxx
I think going for the odd day would do you the world of good. Next time either let Frank take the wheelchair home or chain it up!
Maybe I should personalise it
I think it sounds a really good idea, you will get used to going out again and Frank can have a few hours to do his own thing and then later it will give you both something to talk about. Give it a chance I think you will both benefit . Is it your own wheelchair or did it belong to the hospice. Glad your back home safe. Rosabeth.
Glad to see you were out and about today. You had a busy day with the occupational therapy lady in the afternoon as well as your morning appt. Hopefully you'll be able to get a little More sleep tonight,fingers crossed for you! What did you think of the therapist? I ask as I'm awaiting my first appointment. Did you feel ok within yourself whilst you were out today, I'm sure you were just fine. You may want to go out for a short trip tomorrow and keep yourself "busy" so to speak.
Anyway, well done on today's events.
The therapist was just talking about ways to make things a bit easier next week is going to be more hands on .I was a bit shaky whilst I was out I don't think my infection has completley gone there was 3of us on oxygen others not all seemed to be coping better than me they. Said they want me to go to day centre to do some one to one work I just hope I can keep up with all that is going on .Im not sure about going to day care this week because the matron is back this week was to be Friday but got hospice on afternoon she arranged it just realised my appointment with psychiatrist Wednesday also PR assesment Wednesday the hospice also wanted me to go on Thursday to see about therapy S accupuncture but the oxygen nurse coming Thursday between 8.30 and 5 which is not good to long a day i do hope I sleep I'm feeling pretty stressed now xx
Yes,but read all what you've just written and see how well you have everything planned in your mind! Very organised and during the times you've been occupied, I bet the pain hasn't been quite so unbearable and you weren't getting stressed about your oxygen.......you see what I'm saying? You've made such progress these last few days,I just hope you let yourself "accept" that!!
Well talking about the pain this may make you laugh I knew I would need oramorph whilst I was out couldn't take the bottle so Frank syringed some into a miniature gin bottle we had got on a plane I did get stressed about oxygen though
It would've been funny to think if anybody saw you sipping from your miniature spirit bottle,thinking "oh she likes a drink,look!".
Made me laugh. Sorry the oxi gave you grief but hopefully it wasnt for long?
You've done well today, Margaret. You should be feeling a bit of self satisfaction.

Thank you don
I'm sure going to the hospice will be beneficial to you, provided no one nicks your wheelchair again, how mean. Good idea to take it home. Obviously you are now out of hospital, I missed that, so I hope things continue to improve. Peter, my husband, had better news today as he was phoned by the Health Board to say that he will be seeing the spinal surgeon soon. Things do improve some of the time! All the best xxx
Really good news about your husband pass on my best wishes it was a bit of a nuisance to say the least the wheelchair going missing .I know people say the hospice will be good for me but I'm still finding it so hard just having people on here to talk to helps but when it comes to the real world I cave in unless this pain and sweats are sorted I don't know how to cope xxx
The trouble is with me at least is that you know something will be good for you, but you don't want to be in the position of needing something that is good for you, you just want to be in the situation where you don't need it all. Unfortunately that is just a pipe dream. I ignored my heart problem for thirty years after the original surgery until I had a minor stroke 25 years ago which precipitated most of my current problems, along with childhood ailments. It has taken me most of that time to come to terms with things as they are. I live with it and try to smile, but it is not always easy, and counting your blessings doesn't always work. I think you are doing really well and getting braver by the minute. God bless xx
I think I am going round the bend I was sat with feet up on stool oxygen on looked at sats 75 how come hadn't turned concentrator on come in from hospice with liquid oxi changed to concentrator but forgot to turn it on Frank thought he was going deaf because he couldn't hear the concentrator yes you right I have a pipe dream best wishes
Don't we all. We drove through the Forest of Dean today so I could see the bluebells and all the other wild flowers as well as the young leaves on the trees. How I longed to get out and walk through them as I used to when the children were small. Keep strong xx
I bet you did I imagine it was a lovely sight I have never got to that part of the country but I have heard there is some lovely places bluebells are a lot more scarce now than when I was a child Frank wants to take me out in the wheelchair to Stewart's park to see the animals and go to captain cooks museum but I don't see myself being pushed around its bad enough using it for appointments i said it's like your my carer now rather than my husband my son wants me to go to a pub for lunch one time I'd be there before you could get the words out
Oh dear .... hospices are lovely places whilst I was nursing my dad he had MND they sent a car for me took me there gave me reflexology and drove me home again ...also had dad one day a week and spoilt him rotten. If you get the chance to go it's a privilege Sam x
Chain it up next time and put a note on it if you take me it will cost you £20.00 for 5min s

Good idea David
Good to hear that you've been to the hospice again, I think it's an excellent idea for you to go as a day patient - they really are very good. I have a friend who was a day patient after she'd had a massive bleed on her brain, and she really looked forward to her weekly sessions there. She'd already spent a few months in a stroke centre and they'd helped her as much as possible but it was the hospice that helped her regain a little more confidence. Hope you gave yourself a pat on the back for getting there.
Thank you it is a lovely place but not some where I ever imagined needing it is only two years ago that I was caring for my mam and she went to a day centre twice a week I looked after her for about 8 years and Frank and I always put her first made sure she was well cared for when we went away took her away with caravan a couple of times Frank just finished work this year so we were going to be able to take the caravan and go at the drop of a hat all over now
I think going to the hospital as a day patient would be an excellent idea, and will probably help you anxiety.
Definitely jazz up your wheelchair! Some people would take the clothes you're wearing!!!!!
Just can't beleive it , another bit of stress. Guess they had used it for another patient. Tie a balloon with your name on it to the wheelchair. A regular weekly session sounds good to me, at least till things calm down a little for you and the pain is sorted. Best wishes and hopefully a calmer day today, take care both xx
Thanks Katie if anything is going to go belly up it will happen to me or that's how it seems right now I'm giving it some serious thought the only thing is I find it hard to get ready in the morning to be honest afternoon to next week I've got the psychiatrist to go to the matron coming PR assesment can't see me Bing accepted the hospice course on Friday the oxygen nurse on Thursday the hospice wants to try and get her to go there so I can go about accupuncture so I really don't think I could cope with all that ?Bad night last night was scared to go to bed so kept Frank up till 2am I dozed till 4am went to the loo got tangled in radiator valve couldn't breath so been awake since Hope your phone sorted and you have a good weekend xx
Hi there, I go to a hospice once a week and I love it. I did have reservations at first but it is nothing like I thought it would be, I have met such lovely people and absolutley fantastic staff. I say go for it you will have access to any number of different services and you will be able to discuss any worries or concerns you have with people who understand your problems. Good luck.
Regards Linda
Thank you Linda glad you are finding it a positive experience it just seems surreal to be in this situation I think another thing that is worrying me is that if I do get dressed it takes me so long and I get so breathless having a set time is panicking me I have quite a few appointments this week so not sure if I will make it Tuesday but will try best wishes
Hi Time 2 Drink
You sound like me, if it is something different I panick. Don't worry everything will be fine. Are you having the Ambulance to take and collect you? I have it and the ambulance men and women are fabulous. I have terrible anxiety and panick attacks which I take medication for, I also have to have oxygen, the ambulance people understand this and are always reassuring and kind so don't let anything put you off going.
Good luck and take care
Well I'm up and dressed ready to go but I'm getting anxious sweating and I'm worried about my breathing been bad last couple of days hope you have a good day at your hospice take care Margaret
Hope you enjoy your day and well done being up and ready as I know you were worried about it.
Hi I got washed at 7 rest then dressed at 8 rest porridge still a bit unsure but it will give frank a break .Been really short of breathe these last few days it is worrying hope it not going to stay like this .
You've a great attitude going there, Margaret, because even though you're worried & don't want to do this, you're doing it anyway, for Frank. I just want to say, I really respect you for that. You think you're not strong-minded, but you are!

Thank you Hanne he does need a break and yes I am very worried especially about my breathing I can but try take care
Well done Margaret how did you get on?I'll bet you were fine once you got there and got settled. Did you get to see a doctor?
I've enjoyed it today,(but I always enjoy it) seen the doctor and the occupational therapist, had a laugh with some of the others, had a gin and tonic and a three course meal. What is there not to enjoy.
Chin up, relax and take care
,Hello Linda well I did it was a bit daunting but survived I had my hair cut and coloured first time since been on oxygen had a little panic used my battery fan to try and calm my breathing.down .Also I had accupuncture in My ears 5needles in each ear left in for 45 minutes to try to help with my sweats said it will take a few sessions plus I have got 3little studs upper part of chest to fiddle with when I'm anxious or breathing bad .I never got a gin and tonic what a cheek lol .I hate this oxygen how do I learn to live with it not a clue .Best wishes Margaret
Hi Margaret, you have achieved and overcome a big hurdle Well Done. I bet you feel better for having your hair done. I fully understand how daunting it is to go somewhere new but you have done it now so there is no need to worry any more.
At first it's a horrible feeling being told that you need to use oxygen, I just felt it was the beginning of the end for me but how wrong I was. You will get used to using it I promise, I know I wouldn't be without it now, just remember the oxygen is there to protect your other vital organs.
Take care and well done