My name is obaid from pakistan, karachi when my daughter was 15 days old she start cough and take fast breath after some 15 days she admited in hospital and diagnose phenomena now she is about to 6 month and admitted in hospital for 3 time in this period but the problem is still i have done her many test like ECO,ECG,SWEAT CHLORIDE,ELECTROLIDES AND MANY BLOOD TEST OR XRAY but all test result are positive she takes milk and cerelec in very few quantity she dont want to take milk or any other food item now i am very about her diet,health and specially cough plzz give me some advise to control repeated chest infection,cough and fast breath thanks
Repeated Chest Infection: My name is... - Lung Conditions C...
Repeated Chest Infection

Hello obaid, it must be scary to see your little daughter not doing well. Can a doctor help you in Karachi? There must be further tests and scans they could do. I have no answers other than to make the doctors listen to you.
Take care xxxxxx
Hi Obaid so sorry to hear about your worries about your dear little daughter. Make sure you speak with the doctors: does she need more antibiotics to control the chest infections/pneumonia? Can they prescribe or recommend a nutritional milk powder that she may like and will make sure she gets enough nutrients to make are grow and get strong? Are there other things you can do like ensure good hygiene like handwashing etc from everyone around her, she is always warm, she is not around sick people? Please make sure you ask the doctors at the hospital all these questions. I wish you all the very best and I hope she improves soon. Best wishes to you all and may your daughter be blessed with good health in future.
Is there any possible way that the UK communities call us england for the better treatment because i have spent lots of money in karachi's hospital but so far result not come please help me if possible
Has she had a scan?
Very sorry to hear about your baby girl. My daughter also has health problems. It may be useful to check that your daughter is not getting repeated chest infections from any swallowing or feeding difficulties (aspiration from fluids can lead to chest infections) or that oesophageal reflux is not causing any chest infections. Maybe check for milk allergies which can lead to children not wanting to feed. Antibiotics, hand washing and keeping away from sick people is also very important as already been said. Good luck.
My 6 months daughter does not take milk or cerelec with feeder and spoon she takes fast breath and chest infection again and again happen tell me any suitable way so that she takes milk or cerelec withpleasure with spoon or feeder please me and my wife have a very worried
It must be very hard for you. I can only talk as a parent and you would need to speak to a medical person. I have given drinks mixed with a little cerelec so they look like a syrup in a bottle or give this by spoon.. Baby must sit up (head must not lean back) when they drink or eat so they swallow better. Babies should try and stay upright for 15 - 20 minutes after eating if they get reflux or vomit. Sometimes in UK babies are fed by tube (through the nose) if they stop eating and this helps a lot, or they are given special milk with high energy/calories. Try and speak to your doctors again. I wish you all the best.
My daughter is 6 months old can i give her buffalo or cow milk with some water in a few quantity because she does not take infant or powder milk withpleasure due to repeated chest infection????