Allways PAYs To Watch What Your Eating. - Lung Conditions C...

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Allways PAYs To Watch What Your Eating.

9 Replies

Like the say you should chew your food propper ( 1 ) So you don't choke ( 2 ) Becouse you never know what foreign objects you will find in your snacks food.

Well went shop and fancied some tea cake's SO got pack of four toasted two and saved others for morning ONLY to discover a piece of plastic in my tea cake.

Standards these days in food industy is enouth to give anyone eating disorder.

Anyway enough was enough SO duly complained AND here's what i said.


Dear, ##%###%%##

Following my intial complaint and our resent communication here are tea cakes i said would forward.

Along with bit of plastic ATTACHED to this LETTER that i found In my fruity tea cakes when in processes of eating them.

Like i said in my initial email complaint i was shocked to find a bit of plastic as one of your ingredients

Am sure a piece of barcode plastic i fished out of my tea cake was not part of OR one of #%%%#<<~ ##%%% spacial ingredients.

Needless to say MY tea cake's are not fit for human consumption let alone animal.

Thats with out the health implications and if it had got stuck in my throat or i had choked.

9 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

It must have been such a shock for you. Hope it hasn't put you off, you were right to😒

in reply to Damon1864

Hi Damon I wish it was shock but I always chew my food proper BUT as put me off tea cakes BIT like asda home made apple pie WHEN I found hole false nail init.

Standards these days in food industry are shocking really.

Guess it's all marginalised workers

sassy59 profile image

That's awful JAS! I hope you had a satisfactory explanation and full refund. Were you offered a replacement? Take care xxx 😉

in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy the was not happy ASKED for codes on wrapper to trace batch.

A replacement think all pass on that tho :o

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Quite right JAS, if I'd found it in anything I was eating,I'd have done the same.

Be interesting to learn of their reply so don't forget to keep us up-to-date.

Best regards to you and your Dad- how's he been keeping recently? Hopefully doing much better now he's settled and out of hospital.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Is rank AND yer all be sure to tel ya know how went on.

As to dad is doing great even tho never be cured BETWEEN you and me I think sepsis give he's dementia altzermer what for.

Carnival567 profile image

I'd have complained too, hope you get a good response. Plastic is bad enough, good job it wasn't a mouse!,

in reply to Carnival567

Hi think I would of died if found mouse .. Defo agree plastic is bad enough tho.

If I don't get good response will get trading standards down there.

Ergendl profile image

Quite right, JeffAjaxSmith. I once found a 1" metal blade in my chips from a chippy near Banchory. Did complain, didn't get much satisfaction.

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