Hi I was wondering if anyone has any information on Breathing exercises or where can i find the information
Breathing Exercises: Hi I was wondering... - Lung Conditions C...
Breathing Exercises

Good morning. Utube have some great videos and if you Google copd breathing exercises, you'll get some useful information. Good luck. 😊
Y'know what? Had my first visit from the respiratory nurse yesterday and she left me some info , I'll try and get the link on for you
Ok can't get the link but u need to go to acprc.org.uk. if you look on the headings under publications, then find information leaflets in the blue boxes, what you find are downloadable leaflets that go thru every stage. Good luck
BLF do a Stay active stay well DVD why not give them a call on 03000 030 555
take care
polly xx
my mother suffered from asthma and emphesmia and i told her about some breathing exercises i learnt from my pilates class. as most people only use part of their lungs to breath with you want to use all of your lungs. what to do is put your hands on each side of your ribs and when you breath in imagine that your breathing into your hands on the in breath keep your hands still on your ribs and think of your ribs closing in, a bit like an accordion on the out breath. this will take a little practise. keep trying a few times a day and eventually you will feel your lungs move out to the side where your hands are and closing again when you breath out. I did watch the video and i thought the stomach breathing is very good to, which i practise myself.this may be new to you so do it a little at first as lots of breathing can make a person feel dizzy, so take it easy. i like to work with my breath a lot and i even imagine im breathing into my back. that way my lungs get a full work out. as your lungs are very elastic so this is a perfect way to keep the elasticity in all of our lungs. i think of that old saying "use it or loose it" all the very best to you collonlane i do hope this is helpful. love grace xoxoxo
Try saying "Ah-ha!" with force, and you should feel the abdominal muscles moving that help the lower part of your lungs move air.
Another exercise I was given, by my singing teacher, was to lie down on my back with a heavy book on my stomach, and try to raise the book by breathing in, and lower it again by breathing out.
Ask to go to physiotherapy, I learned a lot.