Hi i am new here so please forgive my bad spelling ect i have copd i am 59 next week and its 4am i can not sleep each time i breath my chest hurts so prob need to phone the doctors for abs again which is like getting blood from a stone trying to get past the lady on the desk any way just thought i would say hello
copd: Hi i am new here so please... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello Dyson and welcome. Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good,you makes sure you get those abs xxx Bernadette 😊
Morning Dyson and hope you got some rest. Please explain to the receptionist that the doctor has a duty of care towards you and you do need the antibiotics......now!!!
Good luck to you. Xxxxx
Thanks Sassy in the end i just could take no more so at 5 this morning i phone for help parameadics came out gave me oxgen and sat with me till doctors opened at 8am they told the doctors to fax meds to boots for me asap they were great still not well but feeling a lot better hated calling them out they are so busy but just could not cope after no sleep all nite x
Hi Dyson don't worry about spelling, most people here can't spell lol. You said your birthday was that an order for a cake lol.
Take care
I do not sleep the night through very often myself but find that I make good use of my Kindle and if I cannot sleep I lay and read which helps a lot. Hope the doctor can help you out
Hello Dyson, sorry you are so unwell, tell the receptionist you have COPD & struggling to breathe, hopefully that will get you seen. Let us know how you get on. Welcome to the community there is a wealth of support & advice on here.
Hi dyson welcome to the group. Sorry you are so unwell. Sorry I can't help about not being able to sleep. I have no problem with that. I am 58 and it's my birthday in 2 weeks. When you see your GP ask about having a rescue pack of abs and steroids . Witch people with COPD are entitled too I also have them on repeat prescription. So I just order them again when I have to start taking them Take care xx
Morning Dyson, and welcome. Get on to the doctors and get those antibiotics. Hope that you get some much needed sleep and that you're feeling better soon.
Take care, and keep us informed.
Hi Dyson,welcome to the site. If you feel you need a doctor ask for a telephone appointment due to COPD flare up. But beware antibiotics are not easy to get these days. Steriods are more relevant to persistant COPD inflammation for some.But no matter what, you need medical advice, which you can only get at a surgery or walk in center. Take care
Hello and welcome dyson - good luckwith the dragon on the desk
Hi and welcome, i too have copd so i know how you feel. You said you struggle to get abs . Don't you have a rescue pack? I always have steroids and abs at home as when i start to get ill i need to get them into myself asap. I did struggle to get them until i was diagnosed, even then i had to get my consultant to ask for a double course as sometimes it just does not clear. I hope you are feeling better now and got some sleep.
Hello dyson . Welcome. I am glad you are here. Chest pain is never good and yes, you are right to ring the doctor although I understand the frustration that comes with that. I hope you feel better very soon.
Cas xx 🌷
Hello dyson and welcome. Good luck with getting the antibiotics and I hope you feel much better soon. Sue x
A very big thank you to you all i am so pleased i joined and posted i dont normal post but i was so down and in pain i am so glad i did post it show that the people who have copd are the ones that understand the most thanks to you all xxx
Hello dyson and welcome to our site.You will find many helpful ,kind,caring people on this site and sometimes we all need people to just let off steam to,who are in a similar condition.
Sad to hear. I have IPF and am an in home hospice patient. Nurse & doctor and all those caring for me are superb especially the palliative care aspect. My mom died of this and it looks as if I'm following 16 years later. Not sure when I'll die, it's a strange time. Blessings to all. Laddieday