If my SP02 is 97 and my PRbpm is 75 why am I having so much trouble breathing? Gasping for air?
COPD: If my SP02 is 97 and my PRbpm is... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi, Lawrencemod, and welcome to the site. I'm afraid I can't answer your question but hopefully someone will be along soon who can explain your results. Do you have a diagnosis for a lung condition? I've been diagnosed with moderate COPD.
Hi Lawrencemod, You need to see a doctor asap. There are many different reasons that could cause you to be short of breath. Your Spo2 is telling how efficient your lungs are transferring oxygen to your blood. You cannot guess you must have the correct tests carried out. Cheers Dave from the LoS.
Breath easy exercise often.
I would see the doctor,,may be infection. Hope you feel better soon
I am being messed around with a referral to the pulmonary rehab clinic so I guess at 70 I am on the scrap heap of life.
Hi Gilea, you're absolutely not on the scrap heap!
It's the best thing for you to do. Pulmonary rehab will give you a new lease of life.
You will meet people with the same condition as yourself. You can join in with the exercises which are so beneficial to us. You will get advice on your lung issues & it gets you out the house!
So please consider taking up the referral. I'm sure you won't regret it.
Take care πΉ
Pulmonnary rehab is wonderful - it has helped me so much! Please consider it.
What is Pulmonnary rehab?
I will try anything.
Our pulmonary rehab is held in the hospital - we are monitored - blood pressure, blood oxygen level by an oximeter, weight, before and after exercising. We exercise on machines like treadmills, Nu Steps, bicycles, while instructor is showing a power point presentation or lecturing - class is held twice a week for 45 minutes. We are taught how to manage our condition, how to breathe correctly, and other things to know about COPD. Dr has to OK your taking the class - it is very inexpensive - It has been very helpful to me.
Hi Lawrencemod, welcome to our forum. Have you been diagnosed with a lung condition? Are you on any meds?
If you are gasping for air, I suggest you contact your GP for advice. Alternatively you could phone he BLF helpline & have a chat.
Hope you get help soon π»
As it has been said on it could be a number of things. That may need a little more than a quick blow in a peak flow meter and finger monitor. You may be a Co2 holder but they will only know if they look at that, get to see a pulmonary specialist it would be a good start to get real answers.
Be Well
Hi Lawrencemod,
I am sorry to hear that you are gasping for air. As others have said you should see a GP asap and if it gets really bad ring 111 and speak to someone there. Are you getting the readings from your oximeter, if so it is possible the reading may not be accurate - replace the batteries. Also try breathing through the nose so that you belly inflates, hold for a count of 3 and then blow out through your mouth slowly and make sure that exhalation is longer than your inhalation. Also contact the BLF for advice.
There are a number of things that can cause this and only proper tests will tell you the cause. For example, you may have an infection, or inflamation or something else. Please see a doctor asap to get to the root cause.
All the best.
Hi,,i'm Brad. I'm waiting for a referral to the copd rehab. I was told it's twice a week for 6wks,,so if i am referred at the beginning of a term, i may wait up to 6wks...Thats ok though, as "anything" that will enhance my life is well worth waiting for. I got diagnosed with copd 12-14 wks ago. 6 wk ago i had my 1st exasperation...I was put on ventolin and spriva. They helped enormously but i was having ok days but dreadful nights. I have since been put on a steroid inhaler,,symbicort, which i take twice daily...What a difference this has mad to me. Sleep still does not come too easy, but at least i am not coughing and gasping for air every half hour...I guess its a question of getting on the right meds....All the very to you with your condition,,,its not gret, but it CAN be managed
Sleeping - I hope you have your head raised with pillows or an adjustable bed. Use nose spray to keep nose clear - Symbicort is good - it has helped me
Thanks for your reply Betts,,,, Yeh, I sleep with a "V" pillow, which makes it a lot easier to stay upright. Iv'e had an infection that I (and docs) just could not get rid of. Specialists at the RVI in Newcastle came up with a few different a'biotics + steriods and i'm feeling a lot better now. What i tend to find though, is once the meds run their course, the infection comes back ! My immune system is very low and iv'e suffered greatly with dry irritable skin, to the point i can barely stand cotton rubbing against it. i understand this is through the steriod inhalers and the amount of steriods i have had to take through infections. Iv'e read others with the same problem so i know that i'm not alone with this. Thanks to everyone who is on this page....It's a great source of comfort and a fantastic help to hear of others with the same problem...thank you all...Brad
If your SPO2 is 97 - there is nothing to worry about - it's best is 100.. Start worrying below 90. And as for your RBprm is between 60 and 90 there is nothing to worry about. Phone the British Lung Foundation for confirmation. Very best wishes. Richard
I have wondered abut that too - will ask Cathy, the woman who teaches my METS classs. METS = monitored exercise class