I have a fairly recent COPD diagnosis. What I'm alarmed at is the rapid deterioration. I work full-time but have missed so many days recently, even going in and being sent home again. I can't afford not to work but I am really worried that this is it for my working life.
Not Coping: I have a fairly recent COPD... - Lung Conditions C...
Not Coping

Welcome Susiedee, can you find other work to do maybe? It's so difficult when you are unwell and have to take time to recover.
Hope you can find a solution soon. Xxxx
My work is actually being really supportive but I don't know how much longer the other staff can carry me. I've got to rethink so much and it makes me anxious. I'm having a bad day today, so probably overwhelming myself
Hello Susiedee, and welcome. So sorry to hear that you're struggling with work. Have you been back to see your GP? Maybe different medication would help, and you could ask to be referred to Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Hope you find a solution soon.
Don't do anything too quickly. I had a similar experience when I was first diagnosed, having to take so much time off work as I had one exacerbation after another and missed 3 weeks went back for 2 days, had another three weeks off, returned less than 2 weeks and then had a month off. I thought my working life was over. But in time, as the right medications were found I got the COPD under control and carried on for years, working until taking retirement. So my advice would be to hold on and see how it works out.
Thanks for your positive responses. I have had lots of appointments recently and also a trip to A&E at Christmas. The consensus almost seems to be, get on with it. I have had steroids and antibiotics, chest x-ray, incruse inhaler, ventolin. I have a respiratory clinic appointment Wednesday so hopefully I can get some help with managing the condition. I think I'm just feeling like I've been left alone to deal with it. Thanks again everyone, I'll keep you posted x
Ask for a long-acting bronchodilator it helps..Take care xx
So pleased I joined this group, thanks again
I work full time with COPD and find that there will be a period over six to eight weeks where I really struggle and have intermittent days off (last November and December) and then there will be months where I work without a break. Work do not know about my health (for many reasons) and I just about get away with it but do think I will go down to four days soon (heading towards 60). You might have an ongoing exacerbation which will settle down. Hope you feel better soon and good luck
Hello and welcome Susiedee